Brooklyn by Calligaris | THE PLAN
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Brooklyn by Calligaris | THE PLAN
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Calligaris has participated in the project

BROOKLYN, is a simple, minimal, versatile and very easy to install shelving unit. It is modular and it can be used to create modules as one pleases developing them in width and in height. It is made with metal struts and wooden shelves available in 10 dimensions and different finishes. In the lacquered version, the color palette includes bright colors like brick red, burgundy, mustard yellow, petrol blue, sky blue, but also pastel colors like thyme green, pale pink, hemp, hazelnut or snowy and cold tones like grey, taupe and white. It is ideal to add creativity to a living room or to give a new space and life to books and objects. It can be used also in the kitchen and bathroom as well as in working or public environments: offices, stores, stands, libraries, archives, hotels, etc.

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