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The Plan Award 2025

THE PLAN Award is an annual international prize that recognizes excellence in architecture, interior design, and urban planning. With twenty different categories and over a thousand submissions every year, THE PLAN Award is an important opportunity for architects, designers, urban planners, and planners to participate in an international community and contribute to the discussion of the key issues affecting the industry today.
The winning projects will be featured on THE PLAN’s digital platforms and through dedicated coverage. All shortlisted and finalist projects will be published on THE PLAN website. The quality of this competition is underscored by its international jury, made up of leading figures in the architecture, design, real estate, and academic fields.

Submissions for the 11th edition of THE PLAN Award are now open.

Museums, libraries, cultural centres

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Educational, training and research institutes

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Health centres and facilities

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Hotels, restaurants, spas and wellbeing centres

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Houses in urban settings, houses with limited green space, apartments, lofts, penthouses

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Apartment blocks, public housing

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Design products and interior architecture systems

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Interior design

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Green areas, parks and gardens, both public and private

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Multi-use buildings and complexes

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Office blocks and complexes, conference centres and other such venues

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Manufacturing facilities and complexes

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Public spaces, piazzas, streets, town centres, religious buildings

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Renovation of existing structures

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Shopping areas, shops, wholesale and retail outlets

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Exhibitions, temporary structures, research and innovative projects

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Sports facilities and fields, playgrounds, leisure areas

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Stations, stopping areas, public transport stops, ports, airports, infrastructures

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Design and regeneration of town centres and/or sections of urban fabric

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

Detached houses with large green space, prestigious houses in isolated contexts

Subscription time:
from 15-01-2025
to 15-06-2025

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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