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416 Memorial Park, the rooftop gardenprovides a tranquil space for visitors to stroll and overlook the surrounding area

UNITEDLAB Associates | Vtrilloarquitectos

Landscape  /  Future
UNITEDLAB Associates | Vtrilloarquitectos

The project aims to design an optimal cultural park that includes exhibition and educational facilities, and a columbarium, to commemorate the victims of the Sewol ferry disaster. The park has three main objectives:

Place of Remembrance and Reverence: Implement educational and social programs to honor the victims and facilitate ongoing discussions on life and safety.

Space for Recognizing Social Issues: Encourage visitors to question the country's responsibility for the right to life and foster a sense of solidarity in the face of social disasters.

Space for Mourning and Commemoration: Connect and remember death as inseparable from present life, challenging the modern view of life and death as separate.

The Sewol ferry disaster, which killed 304 people including about 250 students from nearby Danwon High School, remains a significant and painful memory for the local community. There is an urgent need for a national memorial that goes beyond exhibition, serving as a participatory space to address societal injustices and prevent future disasters. The memorial will feature educational programs, cultural activities, enshrinement spaces, and amenities, along with a landscape designed for social events, promenades, gardens, and a memorial park. The 250 birch trees symbolize eternity and the transformation of death into new life, offering individual spaces for reflection. The integration of architecture and landscape aims to create a unified, meaningful space for remembrance and engagement.

The rooftop garden of the memorial park provides a tranquil space for visitors to stroll and overlook the surrounding area. Over time, the 250 birch trees planted in the memorial park garden will mature into a lush forest, enhancing the site's natural beauty. The enshrinement space beneath the pyramid is open to the elements, allowing visitors to experience the changing seasons and spatial qualities, reflecting the temporal aspects of the disaster.

Both the park and the building embrace sustainability by incorporating cutting-edge technologies and systems, symbolizing the metaphorical regeneration of the memorial space.

2023 AIANYS Design Awards, CITATION
The AIA New York State

AN’s 2023 Best of Design Awards, Honorable Mention
The Architect’s Newspaper

2023 American Architecture Awards
The Chicago Athenaeum

The design of the '416 Memorial Park' aims to encapsulate the moment of the Sewol ferry sinking, presenting several challenges:

Spatial Sequence: Creating a spatial progression that conveys emotional tension from the entrance to the enshrinement space was challenging. The design employs a gradual vertical progression to simulate the environment aboard the Sewol ferry. Visitors move from the park through the entrance, educational space, exhibition area, and AV theater, eventually reaching the enshrinement space via a narrow, enclosed ramp, where emotional tension peaks.

Structural Solution: Ensuring structural integrity while visitors walk along the wave-like promenade of the roof garden was a key challenge. The design gradually elevates the terrain around the enshrinement pyramid, forming an observatory deck. This approach maximizes the space beneath, using strategically placed shear walls to support the wave-like structures and maintain a column-free environment.

Both architecture and landscaping play pivotal roles in creating a sense of place. The architectural design aims to offer visitors a wide range of experiences, including educational programs, cultural activities, an enshrinement space, amenities, and a shop. Simultaneously, the landscape design provides spaces for social events, promenades, gardens, and a memorial park.


 South Korea
 City of Ansan
 Memorial / Park
 247570 sq. m
 UNITEDLAB Associates | Vtrilloarquitectos
 Sang Dae Lee, Valentín Trillo Martínez, Kitae Kim, Siying Chen
 3D Rendering: treceuve | Drawings: UNITEDLAB Associates, Vtrilloarquitectos


UNITEDLAB Associates, a multi-disciplinary studio founded by Sang Dae Lee in 2015 has designed for a range of typologies, from a pavilion to a townhouse, a regeneration park, and an urban visionary plan.
The firm is a collaborative design studio that has designed for a range of typologies, from a 70-square-metre pavilion to a 14,800-square-metre townhouse to a 607-acre regeneration park and an 8,155-acre urban visionary plan.
Its multi-disciplined approach reflects our belief that diverse perspectives enable a broader view that guides the design process and enriches creative insight.
The studio's work endeavors to confront a future with limited resources and seeks ways to implement social, environmental, and economical sustainability through beautiful, well-crafted design.



#Winner #Corten steel  #Glass  #Cultural center  #Vertical Garden  #Corten Steel Cladding  #Landscape  #South Korea  #Pitched roof  #Memorial  #UNITEDLAB Associates  #Vtrilloarquitectos 

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