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SYRE & EASY SAN SIRO, a new residential complex responding to current living standard and needs

AXA Investment Managers, Alts

Investment and Asset Management  /  Future
AXA Investment Managers, Alts

the goal is to trasform a for several years negleted and abandoned area in a new resindetial complex.

Key driver is to deploy the highest ESG standards not only in term of energy efficiency, but also in term of social value.

new living San Siro is achieved combining both franctioned sale and affordable housing to let

the entire complex is designed by Studio Marco Piva providing unique architectural design and quality.

the inititive is a key piece of the overal San Siro area reborn, where number of redevelopment are ongoing

an unacessible area is so converted in a new residential complex responding to current living standard and needs, as green, terraces, balconies, amenities

the plot is a pivot of surrounding areas where resdential, retail and public spaces are combined to provide unique experience to habitants

a new green area exceeding 10.000 sqm will be then created

Sustaibnability is deployed in term of energy efficiency as the entire complex will be EPC A rated.

Unprecedent achivement will be the BREEAM labeling for the affordbale housing asset, representing 50% of the initiative.

Attention to quality and sustainability of materials and design.

Social impact is a main pillar: urban regeneration converting abandoned area to new suable premises and affordable rent responding to costly sustaniable product in the city of Milan.

the entire project has been designed by Studio Marco Piva that has given unique quality and visibility to the initiative.

the residnetial complex is articolated in 3 building responding to different needs: high rise asset (22 floors) providing unique 360 degree view on Milan area, a 6 floor buidling for franctiioned slaes and 8 floors building with balconies dedicated to affordbale housing to let

all units have large balconies and terraces, as unique and coherent deisgn has been deployed

urban regereneration consisting on demolition and depollution of a former trot facility that was abadoned many years ago

AXA IM Alts first residential development in Italy as first opportunity to deploy its >20 years track ecord in Europe, combining design, quality, affordability and ESG standards


 AXA Investment Managers, Alts
 30.000 sq. m
  150,000,000.00 €
 AXA Investment Managers, Alts
 Studio Marco Piva
 Studio Marco PIcva, MPartner, ESA Engineering
 RedBrick, MPartner, ESA Engineering



#Finalist #Italy  #Milan  #Concrete  #Residential Building - Complex  #Residence  #Reinforced Concrete Structure  #Design  #AXA Investment Managers, Alts 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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