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Veglio's Houses, a planning aimed at the well-being of people

ULTRAMAT Engineering

Housing  /  Future
ULTRAMAT Engineering

The concept is that of a residential building of social utility that is innovative in terms of aesthetics, which promotes the well-being of its users, and which incorporates the city that lives around it without any barriers. The project is characterized by the following salient elements: usability for all (design for all); integration into the reference context and environmental requalification of the same; compliance with the LEED sustainability protocol; compliance with wellness protocols for WELL users; nZEB energy performance; high technological content; anti-seismic structures; high levels of safety, durability, ease of maintenance and low operating costs over time; planning of works aimed at maximizing safety on site and compliance with the deadline for completion of the works.

The project is in continuous dialogue with its surroundings; wants to overcome the obsolete concept of the “social house”, incorporating the city that lives around it through common public spaces (park areas with trees, greenery and street furniture, fitness paths, play spaces, basketball court) which will be used both by future residents and by citizens who have long settled in the neighborhood.

The approach to design in terms of sustainability and user well-being was guided by the criteria of the Well and Leed protocols. The new facility will be fully accessible to people with disabilities (design for all). The building will be constructed following the parameters of green building with NZEB energy performance. The lower energy consumption of the new building allows to drastically reduce the impact on the environment and on the climate.The rainwater and gray water recovery and reuse technologies introduced in the new building make it possible to significantly reduce the consumption of water resources.Process of evaluation and reuse of existing materials, mainly inert, about 15% in weight on the total weight of the building resulting from the demolition of the walls masonry.

The project is characterized by a planning aimed at the well-being of people. The WELL design canons were followed both for the interior design (paying great attention to the value of natural light, the dialogue of the openings with the external natural environment) both for the outdoor areas (the public green area, the new basketball court, the playground for children, the relaxation area for everyone. The project is characterized by a planning aimed at the well-being of people. The WELL design canons were followed both for the interior design, paying great attention to the value of natural light, the dialogue of the openings with the external natural environment, and for what concerns the public green areas, the new basketball court , the play area for children, the relaxation area for everyone. The design choices are also oriented towards ethical and aesthetic choices which so far have not had great chances in relation to the theme of socially useful housing. The theme of well-being and aesthetic sense is a highly social theme as it is recognized that the well-being and beauty of buildings can positively influence and influence the positive behavior of its inhabitants.

I like to think of this building as a sort of place of well-being, where those who come to live there can find the things that make you feel good: windows overlooking the greenery, paths where you can walk and run, internal spaces with lots of natural light in every room. And then I would like it to become a magnet building with an attractive force capable of involving, catalyzing those who already live in this peripheral part of the city, making them participating inhabitants of this new space.


 Città di Torino
 Social housing
 8.000 sq. m
  13,000,000.00 €
 Ultramat Engineering
 Ultramat Engineering - Mediapolis Engineering - Desmos - Vallero - Brains Digital
 Mattioda S.p.A.


The last monograph “Architecture for life” of 2019, was published by Electa. With the headquarters of Collegio Einaudi in Turin, he is a finalist for the international architecture Prize of The Plan Award 2015, Best Italian Interior Design 2018 and winner of Honorable Mention for the L.C.P. 2018. Finalist The Plan Award 2016 with TM Center; shortlisted The Plan Award 2017 and special mention German Design Award 2019 with the alpine school of Aosta. Shortlisted The Plan Award 2019 and nominee at the German Design Award 2020 for civic center in Castelli Calepio. Shortlisted The Plan Award 2018 for the Bernasconi Museum in Cernobbio, Best Italian Exhibition Design 2019, and winner of the German Design Award 2020. Finalist The Plan Award 2021 with the Sondrio CCIAA. Winner of Iconic Awards 2021 - Innovative Architecture categories "Public/Culture / Education" and "Innovative Material" for the Royal Museums of Turin, & special mention German Design Award 2022. Finalist The Plan Award 2023.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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