Tstudio – Guendalina Salimei - Bioclimatic Housing in Primavalle: redefining Space morphology and sustainable living
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Bioclimatic Housing in Primavalle: redefining Space morphology and sustainable living

Tstudio – Guendalina Salimei

Housing  /  Completed
Tstudio – Guendalina Salimei

The project involves constructing a social housing building on Via Pietro Bembo. The project focuses on developing a spatial interrelation between building types and space morphology, as well as between public spaces and living areas, to create a typological structure that serves as a foundational reference for the architectural definition of the housing units. The new building, which matches the dimensions and volume of the pre-existing one, emphasizes experiential and perceptual experimentation and has a strong emphasis on energy sustainability. The concept aims to organize living spaces according to the renewed conditions of inhabiting a home, both as an exclusively private place and as a space where work activities can also be carried out

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The project for the new building in the Primavalle district of Rome is part of a Neighborhood Contracts program aimed at revitalizing the entire urban area. The relationship between the building and the city is mediated on the main front by a large green wall, an urban filter that is both artificial and natural. This green wall is comosed of a system of colorful slats, interspersed with shrubs and climbing plants, becoming a green landmark for the neighborhood. The intervention aims to interpret new housing strategies, focusing on mixité, flexibility, the organization of communal spaces, the use of color, and the adaptability of housing to diverse and evolving needs over time.

The pursuit of typological innovation and its organizational arrangement represents the primary goal towards which the design proposal is oriented. This is a newly constructed residential building with high energy efficiency standards (nZEB), designed to be energetically sustainable. The incorporation of loggias and shading systems allows for a building developed with a strong emphasis on bioclimatic design. The integration with the surrounding context and the relationship between nature and the building contribute to the development of an energetically efficient complex

In an effort to enhance the relatively modest space of Public Residential Housing units, the typological proposal aims to make certain choices to promote both flexible use of living spaces, avoiding rigid functional separation between living and sleeping areas, and increased use of outdoor spaces such as loggias and balconies. The concept proposes to articulate living spaces according to renewed living conditions, serving as both a purely private space and an area for various activities, including work. In this sense, the living room, as the central space of the home, bordered by equipped walls, becomes the "heart" of the dwelling. Other rooms with openings overlook this central space, allowing for daylight illumination and necessary air circulation. The potential inclusion of sliding panels or open shelving creates a play between solid and void, facilitating the extension of the living area throughout the entire apartment.

Color choice is a crucial element in architecture, particularly in residential building projects. Colors provide readability to volumes, making them easily understandable. The selection of colors stems from interaction with the location, its light, and its perception. Within the apartments, color usage is planned for living spaces to characterize and enhance the areas for "living" and "conversation," making them more pleasant.


 ATER ROMA Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale Pubblica del comune di Roma
 Social housing
 1171 mq
 Tstudio - Guendalina Salimei
 Progettazione architettonica arch. Guendalina Salimei arch. Luisella Pergolesi arch. Anna Chiara Giustizieri arch. Paola Perri impianti: Ingegneria di Impianti s.r.l. Energy Project strutture: Eutecne s.r.l. progettazione biosostenibile e paesaggio: E.b.s.g. sarl arch. Giancarlo Fantilli direzione Lavori: arch. Guendalina Salimei
 Sarep srl
 Luigi Filetici


T-studio is a working and research group that draws inspiration from constant confrontation on shared themes. Founded by Guendalina Salimei, it is now enriched by a multidisciplinary and research team; the group finds a specific field of investigation and activity in the complex relationships established between design methodologies and modes of intervention in the built and natural environment, often in conditions of urban decay and social discomfort, combining innovation and tradition with a sensitive awareness of the local habitus. Their research and projects, which have won awards in Italy and abroad, been exhibited on numerous occasions, and have been presented in national and international scientific journals and publications, are characterised by a holistic approach that brings together the study of form, knowledge of materials, and reinterpretation of urban and natural contexts in integrated systems that are attentive to aesthetic, social, historical and ecological urgencies


#Shortlisted #Solar array  #Italy  #Aluminum  #Concrete  #Plaster  #Stone  #Residence  #Stone Envelope  #Sun Shading  #Rome  #Aluminum sunshading  #Green  #Tstudio – Guendalina Salimei  #nZEB  #Social Housing 

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