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Casa G, grafting the new onto the existing

Francesco Rapisarda/FR STUDIO

Renovation  /  Completed
Francesco Rapisarda/FR STUDIO

The design idea involved the construction of a three-story building whose concept stems from the idea of grafting the new onto the existing. The ground floor is for commercial purposes while the upper, first and second floors are residential. They are accessed via a first flight of stairs which connects the ground floor to the first floor. From here, a second ramp leads to the second floor.
The idea of renewal is predominant throughout the concept and is outlined starting from the entrance up to the upper closure which clearly delimits the space in the elevation.

The building is clearly distinct from the existing context, dating back to the 1960s, by era and by architectural sign.
The main façade is characterized by linearity, proportion and simplicity. The frame that encloses the space of the building, although from a chromatic point of view it does not deviate excessively from the surrounding buildings, deliberately creates a clear detachment with the surroundings and at the same time highlights its modern character.

The project took into account the future energy impact for which it is equipped with renewable energy systems as well as energy efficiency systems, such as the presence of a photovoltaic system for the on-site self-production of part of the necessary energy, reduction of consumption water with rainwater recovery and intelligent water consumption systems. We also intervened on the envelope to obtain the best achievable thermo-hygrometric performance.

The building was immediately conceived to highlight the detachment from the context that dates back to the 1960s, with simplicity and linearity of sign. The interior spaces are equally optimized and give rise to completely autonomous, well-organized and functional residential units. The materials chosen, the finishes used for the external and internal coverings are of high quality. The colors chosen for the external finishes highlight the building without creating excessive detachment.
The treatment of the internal staircases connecting the floors, the floor and wall coverings and the planned design features highlight the modern and elegant appearance of the building.

Simplicity and linearity contribute, together with the concept of functionality, to the natural change and transformation of the building heritage. The work represents an example of contemporary building replacement in the name of modernity and eco-compatibility.


 Camporotondo Etneo
 1351 sq. m
 Arch. Gaetano Ternullo


Freelancer, registered in the Order of Engineers of the Province of Catania, he has worked as a Freelancer in the field of Design, Structural Calculation, Fire Prevention, Safety in the workplace, Energy efficiency for buildings intended for residential, industrial and commercial use , Restructuring of masonry and reinforced concrete buildings.
He has also held positions as Project Supervisor, Safety Coordinator in the Planning and Execution phases, both for private companies and for the Public Administration.

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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