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The Asian Games masterplan combines innovative design research with local cultural heritage

Archi-Tectonics NYC

Public Space  /  Completed
Archi-Tectonics NYC

The concept of the Asian Games Park and Stadiums combines innovative design research with local cultural heritage. Archi-Tectonics believes innovative design ideas combined with cutting-edge construction technology results in a poetic smart eco landscape with the 2 hybrid stadium buildings as attractors and generators of social gatherings and events. The stadium structures at both ends of the park are connected by a sunken Valley Village mall, an undulating commercial spine with shops, restaurants, kiosks and underground parking, crossing below the existing Yiyang Road and River. This fluid and natural connection between various programs guarantees not only the seamless circulation during the Asian Games, but also the future success of the project as a lively and active urban space.

The design inserts 7 new green buildings for the Games that will convert to community-use after, with a mix of natural reserves, hiking paths, water features, playgrounds and landforms that double as sustainability infrastructure like restored wetlands, porous pavement and stormwater management. The Masterplan’s combined green roofs of approximately 64,160 m2 can release 83,408 kg of O2. annually, as each square meter of green roof can absorb 1.79 kg of CO2and release 1.3 kg of O2 per year.

Zero-Earth Landscape Strategy: the idea was to minimize the environmental impact of soil removal. Several of the new hills function as nature reserves, promoting biodiversity and ecological conservation. Using a zero-earth landscape strategy, the design restores wetlands and transforms the previously flat site into a rolling hillscape. Sponge City Concept: the river forms a crucial part of the wetland systems, mitigating stormwater runoff and offsetting the impact of newly built areas. It collects, filters, and reuses rainwater for water features, irrigation, plumbing, heating and cooling, and wetlands generation. Awards: CTBUH Award of Exellence 2023, 2022/2023 Luban Prize Award, Architizer A+Awards 2023, 2020 BIM Award and Asian Games Lighting Award 2023

Challenge: The project faced three major challenges. First, it had to transform a barren 1.6 kilometer site bisected by a major road into an active public landscape. Second, the design had to offer facilities tailor-made for the Games events that would remain useful after they ended, as well as an expansive fitness center an exhibition/visitors center. Third, it had to set the course for sustainable, ecologically conscious development in Hangzhou, one of China’s densest and fastest-growing cities.

Innovation: We incorporated 7 buildings into a recreational landscape that activates the entire site. The 2 stadiums on opposite ends of the site serve as anchors, and are connected by a pedestrian valley that passes under the road. Named the Valley Village Mall, this pedestrian spine is lined with shops, restaurants, cafes, kiosks, and outdoor gathering areas. To transition the park after the games, the design supports uses ranging from shopping to hiking, birdwatching, boating, outdoor concerts, and major cultural events.

Impact: The park extends the activity of the streets into the landscape to add a much-needed green heart to the area, strengthens and diversifies the ecology its entire context, and creates a new center of public life in Hangzhou that will be used long after the Games end. The design is well-equipped to house activities like nature walks, basketball and skateboarding, shopping, picnics, waterfront dining, community events, and more.

We designed the park as an agent of environmental change in the city, It sets a new standard for Hangzhou as a greener, more resilient city, and future urban masterplans will look to it as a model of sustainable density. Kicking off on September 20th in Hangzhou, the Games are the world’s second-largest international athletics competition after the Olympics. Hangzhou will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games, after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.


 Hangzhou, China
 Government: Gongshu District City Village Reconstruction Department
 Public Space
 195000 sq. m
 Archi-Tectonics NYC, LLC - !Melk
 Archi-Tectonics NYC, LLC
 Thornton Tomasetti (Structural Engineering), The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University, ACRC (Local Architect of Record), Mobility in Chain (Transport Planning), !Melk (Landscape Designers), Ryan Soames Engineering (Mechanical Engineers)
 Men Ge, Shao Feng Architecture Photography, Archi-Tectonics


Selected from a group of 5 international architecture firms, Archi-Tectonics won this competition for the 2023 Asian Games with a bold and innovative design, fusing landscape and building program into a tridimensional land-form. Archi-Tectonics and !Melk landscape architects have inserted a sweeping masterplan with a 116-acre [47-hectare] park and 7 buildings into a densely built skyscraper district of Hangzhou, one of China’s fastest-growing cities.

Though the park was commissioned for the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games 2023, the team looked beyond that event to set a new course for the city’s environmental future. Designed with a ‘Sponge-City’ landscape strategy, the project introduces a hilly oasis programmed for round-the-year recreation that doubles as a green lung restoring the local biome and strengthening its hydrology.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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