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Bricks: brickwork and geometry, historical monument and the parametric design strategies

GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten

Mixed Use  /  Completed
GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten

On the Hauptstrasse in Berlin Schöneberg GRAFT revitalized the historical post office premises, expanding it with two new buildings and converting the original rooftops for commercial purposes. Thus a 32,000m² modern ensemble accessible to the public was created comprising offices, restaurants, retail outlets and apartments. The area around the building complex is one of the busiest residential districts in the city with restaurants and shops as magnets as well as green spaces within walking distance. The Hauptstrasse connects south-west Berlin with the city center and therefore enjoys great popularity.

The buildings of the post office, protected as historical monuments, are spread over approximately 11,700m². The existing buildings divide the area into several inner courtyards, all of which have been upgraded while retaining their original commercial character. The different buildings are distinguished by their own individual character resulting from their development throughout the decades. In accordance with the existing building structure, the previously unused rooftops were renovated by GRAFT according to the historical model and in compliance with the regulations for the protection of historical monuments.

The roofs were fitted with additional windows, while the striking roof gables were kept to provide the interior with a homey atmosphere. All commercial units are barrier-free. The interventions in the structure of the historically protected rooftops serve to preserve the building, and its ongoing utilization contributes to the identity of the Berlin district. The new buildings were also equipped with brick facades in order to blend into the historical ensemble, whilst adopting and expanding on the tradition of the historically protected structures. In the style of historical courtyard passages, the building was given a spacious access from the Hauptstrasse into the internal courtyard.

The former Postfuhramt in Berlin Schöneberg consists of brick buildings, which were built between the years 1890 - 1920. Thus, the existing buildings found prior to the design are parts of a defining period of architectural change, evolving from historicism, through brick expressionism, to modernism. We call this the first through third "acts," as is customary in theatrical performances - and BRICKS is the forth act complementing this design story. This transition can be observed above all in the details of the brick ornaments, which are set in front of the facade in a manner similar to the theater wall motif of Roman antiquity and give it additional spatial depth.
Thus, this logic is organically followed by the "fourth act" with the contemporary addition of GRAFT. Facing the main street, the entrance curves inward as a double-curved surface, following the visitor into the site. The resemblance to biomorphic form inventions of the Art Nouveau is not to be overlooked. The façade is further rhythmized by sandstone-colored square metal frames set into the curving brick body of the building and serve as protruding window openings.
On the other side of the building complex, we added an expressionist "wave" to the entrance area, which gives the new residential building a sun-oriented orientation towards Belziger Strasse, while continuing to present the facade as a closed structure."

The reinvented historical quotations from Berlin's young architectural history are well incorporated in the design, so that the building complex is able to bridge the more than one hundred years of its gradually advancing architectural history as a whole. By means of cutting-edge technology, brickwork and geometry, historical monument and the parametric design strategies of the 21st century were artfully combined.


 Mixed Use
 32.000 sq. m
 GRAFT Gesellschaft für Architekten mbH
 Founding Partners: Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Thomas Willemeit Projektteam: Aleksandra Zajko, Alexandra Bunescu, Alfredo Peñafiel Suarez, Allison Weiler, Altan Arslanoglu, Andrei Dan Musetescu, Anja Frenkel, Anna Wittwer, Dennis Hawner, Dorothea Freiin von Rotberg, Emma Rytoft, Evgenia Dimopoulou, Fabian Busse, Inigo De Latorre, Jerzy Gerard Gabriel, Maria Angeles Orduna, Marvin Bratke, Mathilde Catros, Mats Karl Koppe, Matthias Rümmele, Nils von Minckwitz, Paula Martin Aedo, Primoz Strazar, Sebastian Gernhardt, Sven Wesuls, Verena Lihl, Veronika Partelova
 Projectmanagement: IKR Kuschel GmbH, Berlin www.ikr-kuschel.de; Structural Planning Krebs und Kiefer Ingenieure GmbH, Berlin www.kuk.de; Technical Planning Deutsche Energie-Consult GmbH, Dresden www. www.decon-dresden.de/; Building Physics Müller-BBM GmbH
 EXECUTING FIRMS // Brick shell and clinker bricks: Janhsen Bau, Herford www.janhsen-bau.de, Moulded formwork: Syntechnics GmbH, Oldenburg www.syntechnics.de, HO Schlüter GmbH, Lübz, Aluminum windows and facade construction: www.ho-schlueter.com, Wood-aluminium windows, interior doors: Tischlerei Pötschke GmbH, Löbau www.tischlerei-poetschke.de, Metal doors: Paul & Sohn Bauelemente GmbH, Berlin www.paul-sohn.de, Berlin Dismantling and re-erection of monument: K&R Klinkersanierung GmbH,www.klinkersanierung.de
 MANUFACTURERS // Bricks and brick slips: Bockhorner Klinkerziegelei Uhlhorn GmbH & Co.KG, Bockhorn-Grabstede www.bockhorner.de, Wilhelm Modersohn GmbH & Co.KG, Spenge, Anchoring technology and facade statics: www.modersohn.de, Facade system Alsecco GmbH, Wildeck www.alsecco.de, Powder coating: Ganzlin Beschichtungspulver GmbH, Ganzlin www.ganzlin.com, Aluminium windows: Schüco International KG, Bielefeld www.schueco.com, Lifts: Thyssenkrupp Aufzüge GmbH, Essen www.thyssenkrupp-elevator.com, Roof sealings Alwitra GmbH, Trier www.alwitra.de, Drywall construction Knauf Gips KG, Iphofen www.knauf.de, Fire protection Promat GmbH, Ratingen www.promat.de, Door and window fittings FSB – Franz Schneider Brakel GmbH & Co KG, Brakel www.fsb.de, Window ventilator Siegenia Aubi KG, Wilnsdorf www.siegenia.com, Metal doors Hörmann KG Verkaufsgesellschaft, Steinhagen www.hoermann.de, Door closers Geze GmbH, Leonberg www.geze.de, Automated doors Gilgen doorsystems Germany GmbH, Bühl www.gilgendoorsystems.com, Door drives FAAC GmbH, Freilassing www.aac.de, Ventilation fins MLL Lamellensystem GmbH, Ahrensburg www.mll-gmbh.com
 (c)BTTRGmbH, (c)Trockland


GRAFT is conceived as a studio for architecture, urban planning, design, music and the pursuit of happiness. Since its establishment 1998 in Los Angeles, it has been commissioned to design and manage a wide range of projects across multiple disciplines and in numerous locations. Further offices followed in Berlin in 2001 and Beijing in 2004.

We believe in the power of architecture as a tool, best employed not for its own sake, but to represent ambiguous and diverse identities.
Our design process is evidence-based and human-centered.
Our approach stems from scenography and movement rather than tectonics.
In this way, we are able to create dynamic, flexible architecture that allows multiple readings.



#Mentioned #Germany  #Berlin  #Brick  #Commercial - Retail  #Cultural center  #Community residential  #Bricks façade  #Bar - Café  #GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten 

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