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Marriott Paris Cdg Airport Hotels, a combo of identities and colours

Manuelle Gautrand Architecture

Hospitality  /  Completed
Manuelle Gautrand Architecture

The programme is composed of two different hotels of different brands but designed as a ‘combo’, sharing a certain number of common spaces. The overall massing emphasizes the independence of the two chains, despite their clearly shared common areas. The project is divided into two distinct volumes that slip in behind each other and then are grafted together by a base element that links them.
Each volume is a separate hotel (a brand), which makes it possible to recognize them
and to confer on each a distinct identity.

The particularity of this hotel project is that it is located at Paris Charlesde-Gaulle airport in Roissy, one of the largest airports in the world. It is therefore intended primarily for a clientele about to travel, between flights, and business travellers requiring proximity to the airport. The land allocated to the project is being developed as part of the
master plan for the renewal of Charles-de-Gaulle airport, on a large site fairly close to Roissy Terminal 1, which will accommodate several hotels and office buildings. The various projects have been positioned along an urban axis that will eventually combine a tramway, a dual carriageway on either sideof the tramway, and cycle and pedestrian paths. The hotel forecourts will address this axis.

BREEAM, level Good / Structure in low carbone concrete.

The project is the result of an iterative process in which our research sometimes focussed
on architectural unity (because the project is destined for a hotel group), sometimes
architectural complementarity (because they are two separate hotel brands). The façades play an important role in this quest.
They accompany the functions rigorously: over the bedrooms and their studied composition, the façades are arranged in the form of a vast gradation of tones, darker at the bottom and lighter at the top.
In the lower section, the façades are largely glazed to open up the communal areas to the outside world.

We have distinguished between two types of function with two types of horizontal
components, distinct and contrasting:
The rooms: it is this component that dictated the precise massing of each building. It is a
compact mass, meticulously organised with central circulation and rooms on either side.
The common areas: while the mass of the rooms is simple and compact, that of the common areas was imagined as something more fl uid, open to the outside and more extensively glazed.
The composition of the room masses, which in their lower levels interweave with the
common areas, cantilevers at the extremities of each volume of the building. Thus, the
volumes are lightened by this play of successive steps that opens up views over the airport’s broad landscape. It was thereby possible to extend the ground fl oor volumes into these end sections of varying height, accommodating reception and relaxation areas, as well as meeting rooms. The diff erences in ceiling height and scale in the interior volumes made it easier to split up different functions and create a variety of ambiances, which benefi t either from majestic interior architecture with high ceilings, or from a softer interior architecture created on the more intimate scale of other heights.



 14000 sq. m
  33,000,000.00 €


We aspire to serve people and cities with an innovative and sensitive architecture: Far away from standards and international architecture, we are always aiming to find the DNA of a city and its site, defining a sense of place with a very contextual approach, and with projects that bring beauty and poetry to their place.
We are fully involved to solve issues connected to climate change and pollution.
We know that “good design brings value”: the more we find the good answer, the more the project is valuable. We also know that good architecture tells a story and brings you in a journey: we aim with passion to generate desire in the mind of our client and trigger a process of imagination. We have metaphors that can become fabulous design tools: we are storryltellers, and it is a poetic part of our job.


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