ZAA Zanon Architetti Associati - Camping, a novel way of inhabiting nature
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Camping, a novel way of inhabiting nature

ZAA Zanon Architetti Associati

Hospitality  /  Future
ZAA Zanon Architetti Associati

Founding principle for the design of the village is the respect for existing nature and the will to stratify the territory with traces that do not exist today but preserving the natural habitat of the park.

The designed structures were born from the idea of responding to the morphological peculiarities of the site, going along with diverse environments as the sea, the forest, and the lagoon which make possible the transformation of a simple architecture into a tool for experiencing the outdoor space.

In a new idea of sustainable tourism, humans coexist closely with nature, establishing strong bonds between people who share the same habitat.

The compromise between wilderness and modern life results in a social and architectural experiment that finds sustainability as one of the necessary elements in the construction of the project.

The Kune-Vain-Tale Nature Reserve is located within the municipality of Lezhë, covering an area of 43.93 square kilometers. The area is the first to be protected in Albania and includes an island, lagoon, forests and various ecosystems in which live about 277 plant species and 341 different fauna species.

The attitude toward the surrounding landscape is the one with the least possible impact: leaning without rooting in full respect of the existing vegetation is the assumption of this village that lives between sea and lagoon.

By doing so the built elements are made by using natural materials and through a removable dry construction system. Travel within the park is through smart mobility, which not only minimizes CO2 emissions, but also enables silent mobility that does not disturb the surrounding wildlife.

Architecture and nature have a strong relationship in the proposal for the structures of the camping.The residences are designed to rest in the ground by means of wooden platforms through a point system that anchors but does not encroach on the land by allowing vegetation to grow.

The materials used are all natural and local ones, both for the dwellings and structures dedicated to refreshment, which are composed as dry wooden structure, and for the pathways designed in eco-sustainable and draining materials for minimal impact on the surrounding environment.

Each house is equipped with rooftop solar panels and a rainwater storage system to take advantage of the available renewable energy as much as possible.

The idea of a new village within the Kune-Vain-Tale Nature Reserve is developed in full harmony with its environment. Three different types of houses have been designed to respond to the peculiarities of the landscape of the place: the beachfront, the forest, the lagoon.

Beachfront units are interspersed between water and vegetation, they are located just a few meters from the shore, allowing for living closely with the sea ahead.

Tree houses are in the greenest area between the lagoon and the sea. The conformation of the house permits the open spaces of the structure to be used for outdoor living, in close contact with nature.

The units on the lagoon are designed to accommodate guests with a boat, the height of the unit allows docking under the house, while a jetty on the water level enables a continuous relationship with the lagoon.

The village “leans” on the existing by means of architectures that seem to float on the water of the lagoon, rise to blend with the forest and lie on the sand on the seashore, implementing the possibility of interaction between people sharing a new habitat.

At the entrance to the park is an interchange car park where electric vehicles take visitors into the reserve, imagining an intelligent and silent mobility, built with light and natural materials, able to exploit renewable energy sources.

The settlement is equipped with all the services for this new type of tourism: food service, nature trails, seeking to enhance the place and local traditions.

The village is meant to be an experimentation of a new way of living, reconnecting with nature and learning to experience it by respecting it. The small project architectures become points of observation of the place conceived as spaces in which the interior becomes an extension of the outdoor space: a novel way of inhabiting nature.


 Hospitality, food
 22100 mq
 ZAA Zanon Architetti Associati
 Mariano Zanon (Founder), Alessandro Marchi (General Manager), Elisa Ioime (Project Director), Cristina Colicchio, Marco Barberini, Massimo Silvestri


Zanon Architetti Associati is an award-winning (Premio Architetto Italiano 2020) architecture studio based both in the Italian countryside near the town of Treviso and in Milano, with almost 20 years of experience in masterplan, buildings and interior design.
The range of works includes interventions in all design fields, from architecture to urban planning, from interior staging to product design, always developed with a sensitive approach to architectural restoration and recovery of existing heritage. Every project starts with a survey on the environment, to know its limits and qualities, improve its condition and give shape to a reasoned result that will resist the test of time. We value architecture and design as an organic ecosystem, where every part and discipline cooperate for the highest goal, which is creating the best possible quality of life in a human-centric environment.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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