The concept stems from the three-dimensional and architectural reinterpretation of a work by Laszlo Moholy Nagy, Konstructions, Kestnermappe No. 6 from 1923. There are distributional assonances with Zevi's work:the horizontality and the central axis. The outcome of the painting's three-dimensional metamorphosis is a marriage of Rationalism and Organic Movement, of Bauhaus and Wrightian architecture, The inclined and projecting planes hover in space supported by tie rods that anchor themselves in the central fifth. The triangle becomes a terrace and creates a library porch area in the part below, while the more elongated one is a zenithal fifth that breaks through and cuts through the dark monochrome of the roof. The rhomboidal lines become ground-floor paving designs or outdoor seating elements.
The competition area serves as an urban hinge between the reality of the Old Town and the recent reality of urban transformations and expansions generated by the development of the Fornaci first and by the Fiat factory later. Beinasco's "tomorrow" lies between its distant past and its near past. A future between two pasts that sustain it, direct it, explain it. A future that is called Culture. The building, with its new architecture, stands out as a strong sign that etches the ground, a reference in the urban, industrial and commercial context of Beinasco. A volume that creeps into the urban context inhabited by the Nino Colombo Civic Library, one of the rare Zevian architectures built in Italy.
The project stems from a PNRR call for proposals; it ensures the preservation of the habitats present in the area of intervention and its vegetation; it ensures the maintenance of the existing morphological profiles. The Administration's intent was to recover the area with the aim of re-functionalizing it to serve the community and the surrounding natural habitat. In fact, it is planned to transform this area into a large Culture Park where new services and greenery are the protagonists. The intervention is divided into two lots; the first lot pertaining to the building and the area immediately surrounding it, the second will involve the creation of the more extensive green park.
An architectural research carried out for years on the Art-Architecture relationship developed over the years at the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Turin determined this outcome. Indeed, it is precisely the artistic work that in this metamorphosis powerfully delineates distributional and chromatic aspects. It is the painting and its author that dialogue with the architectural translator indicating its paths and one of many possible interpretations. The resulting formal and structural and technological choices are useful in setting up a type section that through the open and exposed wings are intended to protect the interior from excessive sunlight to create spaces of shade toward the lawn and tall greenery that will surround much of the building. It is how this translation is achieved that is important. With what memories and with what languages that must be consonant with the source art object, with history but also with contemporaneity. In this case it's about horizontality, light, dialogue with the surrounding greenery, taut and sloping lines. A place of cultural but also physical pleasure. A literary café here almost a dehors of a bistro, where to dialogue, read and study, right in Beinasco, Turin. An architecture born from a painting and a Chopin nocturne.
The consistency of the design to the guidelines and adherence to the proposed themes is appreciated. The building presented is of great impact, ensuring the strong identity of the redesign of the square. In this sense, the design represents a point of completion of the square by enhancing the connections with the valuable buildings of the Zevi Center and the Levi -Petrazzini building; this role is played by the interesting solution of the covered market that also constitutes an elevated promenad
THE AD STUDIO. In 2013, the Architecture studio A+D was founded with the intention of promoting quality, sustainable and ethical architecture. It is also an opportunity to test the Art/Architecture research of architect Roberto Apostolo and give it a concrete, usable, shared life. This is the third Art/Architecture metamorphosis. In these years we have brought Art to construction sites to transform it into Architecture, we have dusted it, kneaded it with concrete and iron. Solidified it into walls and floors, screeds and window frames, tiles and fixtures. We materialized it, three-dimensionalized it, made it habitable. Our intent is to provide our clients with spaces with which to dialogue, from which to draw experiences, to breathe artistic spirituality. To interpret needs, instances, desires by giving them new life.