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Turati 32, an architectural jewel turns into a LEED Gold office

Artisa Group / ARE Project 3 S.r.l.

Investment and Asset Management  /  Future
Artisa Group / ARE Project 3 S.r.l.

Guided by a careful historical and philological analysis, Park Associati's redevelopment project of the Tower of the Permanente engages in a balanced dialogue with the existing building. In line with the original design, the restyling gives the building new energy efficiency standards. The project has its roots in the core values of Artisa Group, which aims at leveraging on in-house architectural and technical competencies to create vibrant, modern and sustainable spaces for people and workers. Originally projected in 1881 by Beltrami and refurbished by Richard and Mezzanotte architects, the asset has been restored by Castiglioni brothers after being bombed during WWII. Today, Artisa aims at enhancing a traditional office space into a modern one.

Designed in the 1950s by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni and Luigi Fratino, the 12-floor tower is part of the complex that houses the Museo della Permanente and is located in Via Turati, the thoroughfare connecting the centre of Milan and the Central Station. Indeed, Turati 32 is placed at the intersection of CBD Duomo and CBD Porta Nuova, the two most prominent business districts in Milan. The project combines strong historical heritage, as certified by the elegant mosaic in the entrance hall, and a taste for modernity achieved by the recent refurbishment works and construction of two new raised floors with stunning view on Milan. Last, the project demonstrates deep environmental awareness, targeting LEED Gold Certification.

The Artisa Group strategy strongly relies on common-health and sustainability-oriented approach. For this reason, Turati 32 will result into a LEED Gold energy certification office, that will guarantee energy and water savings, reduced CO2 emissions and improved ecological quality of the interior. Materials implemented in the construction phase and engineering solutions in the MPE plants and Building Management System have been adopted based on environmental and sustainability criteria. Air conditioning through self-contained direct expansion type system with VRV-VRF heat recovery pumps installed on the roof of the building and lighting is provided by means of LED lighting systems in accordance with the LEED protocol.

Characterised by a glazed front that recalls the Milanese tradition of post-war towers, the new additional floors generate a volume crowning the building that recalls the existing elevation's construction lines with a different contemporary material approach. The intervention on the façade enhances the formal cleanliness of the lines, underlining the compositional sobriety. The more pronounced shadow lines obtained by setting back the windows lend greater depth. The outer frame covered in bronzed sheet metal recalls the overlay's finish and chromatic tones, while the top of each window houses an opal glass plate with LED backlighting, which, at night, emphasises the rhythmic articulation of the main front. Turati 32 distinguish itself for being a real architectural jewel: at the centre of the façade the entrance portal is embellished with a wrought iron gate decorated with shapes typical of the Art Nouveau style. Interior heights ensure comfortable spaces for tenants and prestigious radiation for visitors. From the 7th floors office spaces benefits from natural lights from sunrise to sunset and from skyline view on the city. Floor plans regular shape makes the offices attractive both for growing companies willing to shape their future and for well-established international firms looking for new headquarters in Milan, in the heart of the traditional business district with access via private and public transportation.

Artisa Group as a Swiss Real Estate developer is proud of the feedback received from the Italian Real Estate ecosystem surrounding Turati 32. Both private and institutional investors, potential tenants, architects and the Municipality are welcoming the project as a unique product and a best-in-class office space. The project at a glance is an example of successful cooperation of the real estate industry stakeholders.


 Artisa Group and Incus Capital through and Alternative Investment Fund managed by Savills IM SGR.
 6385 sq. m
 Artisa Developer Italia S.r.l.
 Park Associati - Founding Partners: Filippo Pagliani, Michele Rossi - Project Director: Giacomo Geroldi - Project Leader: Andrea Manfredini - Architects: Sara Cacciati, Antonio Cinquegrana, Valeria Donini, Alberto Ficele, Elena Ghetti, Iva Kliman, Emanuele Moro Visualizers: Antonio Cavallo, Mara Nun
 Park Associati | Founding Partners: F. Pagliani, M. Rossi - Project Director: G. Geroldi - Project Leader: A. Manfredini - Architects: S. Cacciati, A. Cinquegrana, V. Donini, A. Ficele, E. Ghetti, I. Kliman, E. Moro - Visualizers: A. Cavallo, M. Nunziante, X. Ogreni, S. Venegoni


#Finalist #Italy  #Milan  #Glass  #Offices  #Brick Cladding  #Reinforced Concrete Structure  #Bricks  #Artisa Group / ARE Project 3 S.r.l. 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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