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  4. THE CLIFF OF MASSA MARTANA, when geotechnical engineering structures redesign the urban landscape

THE CLIFF OF MASSA MARTANA, when geotechnical engineering structures redesign the urban landscape


Urban Planning  /  Completed

The historic center of Massa Martana stands on a high cliff at the foot of the chain of the Martani Mountains and it is a well-defined urban entity as compared to the near cities built after the Second World War. The Center is separated from these mountains by the direction identified by the road and the ditch of Massa that flows at the foot of the cliff on which the castle stands. The first documents with evidence of collapses and instability of the Cliff date back to 1574, in the following centuries the collapses followed repeatedly with conspicuous retreats of the front of the cliff, abandonment of the houses and the spaces between the main street and the south-west edge of the slope. A comparison with the cartography of the Gregorian Land Registry (1835) quantifies an average retreat, compared to the pre-project survey, of fifteen to twenty meters. The consolidation project of the cliff of Massa Martana, promoted by Umbria Region started in 1996 and ended in December 2019, with the inauguration of the works and the opening to the citizens of the recovered spaces, puts an end to the urban degradation and instability be setting the entire town. The recovery and the urban regeneration of the town are achieved through the activation of the consolidation works and arrangement of the individual sectors that make up the cliff system, in particular: the surface waterproofing of the cliff with the renovation of the technological networks, the flooring and urban furnishings; the urban regeneration of public spaces through the design of new spaces, the redevelopment of existing spaces and buildings, and the lighting project. The wall consolidation with rock supporting walls and urban recovery of the edges of the Cliff; the consolidation for Massa Martana Ditch and Della Rocca Ditch with hydraulic regimentation. It is one of the few consolidation projects where geotechnical engineering structures become ur-ban architecture and redesign the new urban landscape (skyline) of a town. The geotechnical consolidation intervention has been designed in such a way as to give the outermost parts of the west and south walls of the cliff a material continuity and greater stability together with the introduction of low-pressure special mortar injections and the insertion of metal "stitching" bars. Passive tie rods have been provided to anchor the consolidated external part to the intact internal body of the cliff, draining pipes have been introduced to maintain the hydraulic balance of the system; reinforced concrete consolidation with natural stone cladding has been provided for areas with greater wall discontinuities. The interventions were carried out on a total area of 509 m for an average height of 20 meters with a maximum height of 27m. All the technological net-works of the historic center of Massa Martana have been designed and built, including the drainage network of white and black water, the aqueduct network, the gas distribution network, the electricity distribution network and public lighting, the optical fibers and telephone networks. Above the nets and for the entire surface of the historic center and the lookout point promenade on the edge of the cliff a pavement with nat-ural stones has been built for a total area of about 10,500 m2. Granite rocks such as granite and basalt, lime-stone rocks such as travertine and Izzalini stone, brick block with soft angle, interlocking concrete blocks with basalt paste finish have been used. The urban furniture project involved the squares, the urban promenade on the edge of the cliff and the Lignole urban area. The lighting project of the historic center and the cliff of Massa Martana is an authentic "light plan". The sequence of areas with different perception is created as follows: External walls and perimeter paths with yellow sodium lights (2050K); Road and pedestrian paths inside the walls with warm white sodium lights (2200K) emitted by low-height devices (2.50 ÷ 2.80 meters); facades of the churches in the historic center with white metal halide vapor lights (4000K) with switching on and programmable partializations, vertical walls of the cliff with white halide vapor lights (4000K) generated by projectors with strict control of the emitted flow placed on specially designed sup-ports and extensions. The work of consolidation of the Cliff of Massa Martana, while confirming its specificity as an important engineering-geotechnical intervention, was conceived from the beginning as an integral part of a larger redevelopment project of the historic center of Massa Martana, a project that provides in the summit part ('edge' cliff) the creation of a series of "places" and paths integrated with the system of streets and open spaces of the inhabitated nucleus. Thanks, to the consolidation of the cliff, an interesting succession of "compressions" (pedestrian paths) and wide "expansions", panoramic rest areas, small, equipped spaces, winds between the new "Porta Urbana di Massa Martana", the Lignole parking area (to the south at the door in use until 1300), and access to the cliff path from Piazza Matteotti, at the Via del Mattatoio Vecchio (to the north). The roles of the historic squares and those of new construction envisaged in the project have been redefined.


 26000 sq. m
 Prof. Ing, Claudio Comastri Ing. Rodolfo Biondi Ing. Giuseppe Federici Dott.Geol. Luca Domenico Venanti
 IAG PROGETTI Ing. Giuseppe Federici , Ing. Giuseppe Federici, Arch. Andrea Balletti Ing. Mario Vincenzo Cavallaro Arch. Leonardo Gioffrè Ing. Federica Ferrotti Ing. Stefano Pompili Arch. Andrea Sabbatini Geom. Danilo Grilli Geom. Daniela Bovelli
 I stralcio - Edilmassa s.r.l. Il stralcio - Ing. Giovanni Rodio & C. S.p.A. III stralcio I lotto - Tommasoni Luigi III stralcio II lotto - Giovannini Costruzioni S.p.A. - Piccionne Renzo e Feliciano S.n.c. IV Stralcio - Tecnostrade s.r.l. V Stralcio - T
 Luca Balducci, Roberto Balletti, Germano Bracchi, Giuseppe Federici, Antonio Orsini Federici, Luciano Perni, Andrea Balletti


Civil Engineering degree from the University of PISA, at 1990. From 1990 To 1991 he dealt with the structural design of complex works ; from 1991 to 1997 he was responsible for the technical office of Toto Costruzioni Spa where he designed and signed various road and railway infrastructure works for a total amount of about 330 million euros. Since 1998 he continue as a freelancer (Iagprogetti today as Arking Lab srl);designed and became the director of the realization of the Multi-storey Car Park and Bari-Palese Airport connection (SEA);of the cliff the Massa Martana (Umbria Region), of the cliff Castel Rinaldi (Community Massa Martana), redevelopment of the Industrial Area Ex Fornace Scarca (Consorzio Flaminia Vetus),Revamping Centrale Energy Recovery of Terni (Acea-Aria), Executive Project of Aqueduct Chiascio (EAUT), Executive Project of the Logistics Platform Terni-Narni (Umbria Region) and numerous other projects for a total of about 350 millions of euros.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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