New Energy Spaces was designed to regenerate the environment and enhance corporate image and identity, while at the same time becoming more involved in the local community. Putting together people and nature, environment and industry, technology and innovation, the expression of a new entrepreneurial culture. Sharing values to generate value!” With the Resilience Lab Grid a paradigm shift is proposed in the collective perception by transforming the plant into a positive example for ecosystem regeneration and protection. Create a national grid of Enel power plants undergoing redevelopment, where the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are pursued through a common platform, with architectural activities and interventions designed to create shared value and sustainable plants. Two major factors in the competition were the new buildings, with areas open to the public to foster social and cultural development in the territory, and the legacy constructions that needed development to enhance the aesthetic and symbolic value of the plant, thereby modernizing and redeveloping the industrial zone. Inspired by the “fractal”, a natural geometric element, is created a shared space, open to the public and the community, At the same time, the architectural elements are integrated into the territory: the complex is designed to appear visibly dynamic and light in relation to the surrounding landscape. Smart and bioclimatic buildings, designed according to the 'minimum, simple and green' energy strategy. Constructions conceived as "building-plant" organisms that maximize passive energy aspects, to minimize active energy inputs, with the use of energy from renewable sources. The buildings are designed with prefabricated components, mainly dry-mounted, with “cool materials”, recycled and recyclable materials to respond to a circular building process. Based on a feasible and modular system, the new buildings will be of different sizes according to their function; however, they will share the same features. The core generator and control room of the entire system is the Enel Pavilion, a place for reception, information and promotion for corporate values: environmental sustainability, circular economy and innovation. The architecture is located in an environment where the lagoon borders the countryside, between water and land, and the project is inspired by the natural matrix of the area. “Patterns” of fields and cultivated lands are reinterpreted abstractly into geometrical elements enveloping buildings and plants. An additional element to blend with the lagoon is vegetation. It is inserted into the project as a junction between the industrial complex and the natural environment. Reviving the lagoon landscape with its evocative sandbars becomes an opportunity to illustrate the territory and include it in an educational context.
Frigerio Design Group -
Enrico Frigerio was born in Turin. In 1980 he graduated with a degree in Architecture from the University of Genova and learned his trade working side by side with Renzo Piano. In 1991 he founded Frigerio Design Group, setting quality and the relationship with the environment its main goal.
He is the promoter of "Slow Architecture", philosophy at the base of a progressive design that draws its resources from the context for its definition.
Some of FDG’s most significant projects include: the Terna’s new power station in Capri (2017) and the HQ of Crédit Agricole Italia, Green Life, in Parma (2018), the new office and production building for Zamasport, Novara (2020), the Headquarters of Arcaplanet in Carasco, the residential complex of Piazza Aviatori d’Italia in Saronno, the Ferrero Technical Center in Alba (2022). The Enel power plant in Fusina and and the refitting of the Rosenthal offices in Selb Germany are currently under construction