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Vigentina9, adding fresh dynamism to the building while holding on to its original structural framework


Office&Business  /  Completed

The Vigentina9 project – a property bought on behalf of Barings and managed by Savills Investment Management SGR S.p.A. – enabled Lombardini22 to win a 2020 annual Autodesk AEC Excellence Award in the Building Design category for designing buildings for under $20 million. The Lombardini22 team was commissioned to keep the structure of the building intact (designed by the architect Enrico Bignoli and the engineer Franco Fasoli in 1962) and to plan how to safely knock down the interiors. The modernisation of the old building has upgraded its interiors and façade adding fresh dynamism to the building while holding on to its original structural framework. Currently at the building phase, the project by L22 Urban & Building, Lombardini22’s business unit specialising in the architectural design of retail, cultural, residential, newly constructed and restructured buildings, is aimed at fully enhancing both the inside and outside the property, which will continue to be used for services and office purposes, redesigning the main features of its shell and composition. Improvements to the interiors and new layouts, including the removal of various stairwells to create a more open feel, mean it can now accommodate the offices of a private bank and insurance company. While respecting this sensitive location and partial indirect link with Santa Maria al Paradiso Church opposite it, the aim is to fully regenerate the property 50 years after its construction. The complete revamping of the outside image is aimed at giving a modern and sustainable twist to the building’s old elevation. This design opportunity provides the chance to reshape the façade features and give the property a more contemporary feel. The project is intended to ensure the building is warded LEED v.4 Core&Shell Platinum certification. The building is composed of a main rectangular-shaped block forming the building front along Corso di Porta Vigentina and a connecting section in the tower at the rear of the building holding the vertical links and technical rooms. The aim is to redesign the main features of the building shell, at the same time improving its energy ratings partly by reducing the amount of direct sunlight hitting the glass windows and giving the façade a different type of three dimensionality. This adds a new dynamism to the building in relation to the new glass base and top section. Rotating the façade windows northwards focuses on the view in the direction of Santa Maria del Paradiso Church towards the city centre creating a kind of symbolic “bow”. The main elevation along Corso di Porta Vigentina features a set of modules rotated in relation to the front of the façade, each measuring 1.5 m x 3 m, which follow the pattern of the old structure along the entire length of the elevation. The façade module breaks down into two surfaces, a glass surface rotated towards Paradiso Church, which is naturally sheltered from direct sunlight, and an opaque surface composed of an insulated stainless aluminium panel with a special bronze-coloured brushed finish. The stringcourses, which are extruded in relation to the old front, are clad in ‘log-effect’ stone and set in the same position as the existing floor slabs. They contain the modules on the building shell that are set back from the new façade front. The project involves completely renovating the shell, building a new stairwell, renovating the garage on the second level below ground, the restroom blocks, entrance lobby and multipurpose space, and knocking down the internal vertical partitions so the office floors have a more open-plan design ready to be customised to the needs of tenants opting to live in this building. The mechanical and electrical systems are fully reconfigured and optimised and the vertical distribution system upgraded by installing new lifts in the old shafts and redesigning the stairways and fire escapes. The project also embraces the structural side of the building with selective demolition work to renovate the interiors and improve the property’s seismic ratings. The BIM design process for the Vigentina 9 project had to be adaptable to various scenarios and design phases, simultaneously providing all the necessary documentation for being awarded the necessary permits and authorisations. Working with the BIM Team, an all-purpose unit focused on implementing the BIM method within the various Lombardini22 brands, the design team developed a BIM design flow capable of providing a coordinated and dynamic response to the alterations required by the Superintendent’s Office, client and design procedures. The redevelopment project could rely on a multidisciplinary team that used the BIM process to assess and coordinate operations required for being awarded LEED Platinum certification working in synergy with L22 Engineering & Sustainability, a brand of the Lombardini22 Group. From a sustainability viewpoint, Revit and personalised Dynamo scripts enabled the team to calculate the data more quickly and accurately for LEED Platinum purposes, including the surrounding density, reduction of impact throughout the building’s life-cycle and minimum interior air quality standards. An efficient workflow allowed the team to overcome site/planning constraints, at the same time drawing on an interdisciplinary approach that improved BIM-LEED implementation.


 Savills Investment Management SGR S.p.A. per conto di Barings
 5.600 sq. m
 L22 Urban & Building, L22 Engineering & Sustainability, FUD, DEGW, Atmos | Lombardini22
 L22 Urban & Building, L22 Engineering & Sustainability, FUD, DEGW, Atmos | Lombardini22


Lombardini22 is a leading Group on the Italian architecture and engineering scene that operates internationally through eight brands, each one of
them excelling in specifi c areas of competence:
- L22, architectural and engineering services subdivided into the units: Urban&Building, Retail, Living, Engineering&Sustainability, Civil
Engineering, Education & Student housing, Environmental Social & Governance
- DEGW, consultancy & design services for workspaces
- FUD, physical branding and communication design
- Eclettico Design, luxury interior design for hospitality
- Atmos, building physics design of sensorial environments through the strategic use of light, color, sound, air and olfactory;
- CAP DC, Data center Building & Refurbishment
- DDlab, application of new technologies (visual, computational and BIM)
- TUNED, application of neuroscience to architecture.



#Finalist #Italy  #Milan  #Offices  #Lombardini22 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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