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Hotel Andreus Golf Lodge, elegance and natural materials in symbiosis with the rural surroundings

G22 Projects

Hospitality  /  Completed
G22 Projects

ENGLISH Andreus Golf Lodge The vacation domicile Hotel Andreus Golf Lodge is located on the sunny side of the Passeier Valley on the edge of the 18-hole golf course Passeier.Merano next to the promenade path. High comfort, unique design, personal service and plenty of space for every guest are part of the basic equipment of the 5-star golf hotel. The architecture and furnishings are characterized by simple elegance and natural materials and form a perfect symbiosis with the rural surroundings. The "small and luxury resort in the alps" consists of 34 individual suites, SPA and wellness area as well as a Mediterranean garden world and a natural bathing lake with integrated 28-metre-long infinity pool heated all year round. Key data: - 13 months construction time - 34.000m³ built volume - 70m² of space per guest - 33 room suites and 1 rooftop suite with pool - 280m² water area - 6 beauty treatment rooms - 700m² wellness, fitness and exercise - 14 single rooms staff and 4 double rooms staff G22 Projects Services: Architecture Project management Approval planning Implementation planning Site management and safety coordination Surveying and cadastral work Fire protection plan Energy-saving (Klimahouse) calculation Cooperation on Interior Design .................................................................................................................................................................... ITALIANO Andreus Golf Lodge L'Hotel Andreus Golf Lodge si trova sul versante soleggiato della Val Passiria, ai margini del campo da golf a 18 buche della Passiria.Merano, vicino al percorso della passeggiata. Alto comfort, design unico, servizio personalizzato e tanto spazio per ogni ospite sono parte della dotazione di base dell'hotel golfistico a 5 stelle. L'architettura e l'arredamento sono caratterizzati da un'eleganza semplice e da materiali naturali e formano una perfetta simbiosi con l'ambiente rurale circostante. Il “small and luxury hotel in the alps”, consistente di 34 suite individuali, SPA e area wellness come pure di un mondo-giardino mediterraneo con lago balneabile e infinity pool di 28 metri di lunghezza riscaldata tutto l´anno. Dati salienti: – 13 mesi di cantiere – 34.000m³ di volume costruito – 70m² di superficie puliche per ogni ospite – 33 camere-suite e 1 Rooftop Suite con piscina – 280m² di superficie d´acqua – 6 stanze di trattamenti beauty – 700m² di wellness, fitness e attivitá fisica – 14 camere singole e 4 camere doppie per il personale Servizi G22 Projects: Architettura Progetto definitivo Progettazione esecutiva Project Management Direzione lavori e coordinamento sicurezza Progetto antincendio Rilievi e lavori catastali ....................................................................................................................................................................


 San Leonardo i. P.
 Andreus Golfhotel Srl
 11620 sq. m
 G22 Projects
 G22 Projects, Indoor&Outdoor Spa Design: Stefan Ghetta
 Alex Filz


We want to have a positive influence on our environment and set our sign with special projects.
For us, every project is a challenge and an opportunity to expand our boundaries, to give new expression to our creativity without disregarding the rules of the game. We know that good architecture alone is not enough to make sustainable projects in the long term. Thoughtful organisation and coordination of all those involved in the planning as well as precise control of the companies carrying out the work are a prerequisite for avoiding cost-intensive and time-consuming problems.



#Shortlisted #Italy  #Hotels  #Leisure  #G22 Projects  #San Leonardo i. P. 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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