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Education Campus Aron Menczer, flower-shaped point building and terraced wing

Architekt Martin Kohlbauer

Education  /  Completed
Architekt Martin Kohlbauer

Under the motto "flower-shaped point building and terraced wing" we have developed a structure for the Aron Menczer educational campus that offers pupils and teachers a maximum of open spaces in front of the educational rooms. The horizontally layered structure with terraced areas positioned differently floor by floor, becomes a distinctive component of the Leon Zelmann Park. The alternating protrusion of the corners of the terraces ensures ideal lighting conditions for the educational rooms and multifunctional areas and creates an intensive link between inside and outside. Due to the topography the terrain is connected to the building on two levels: The entrance level, accessible via the spatially significant framed forecourt, and one level lower the largest possible contiguous open space of the garden, which was made possible by the high number of six levels of usable space layered on top of each other, which is unusual for an educational building. The building represents a kind of pavilion in the large contiguous open space of a central inner city development area in Vienna. The educational campus in the Aspang urban area is dedicated to a young, charismatic educator and life-saver. Aron Menczer is the namesake of this building complex. He was murdered in Auschwitz along with many of his students. A memorial was created in his honour in the entrance area hall with a spatial relation to the public forecourt. There, a facsimile of a very touching farewell letter to his pupils is displayed. The Aron Menczer educational campus with approx. 1,100 children, 140 teachers and 52 operating staff comprises 6 educational areas, the so-called BIBER. Of these, 4 are assigned to the kindergarten and primary school and 2 to special education and special needs (for children with multiple disabilities and those dependent on care). Similarly, the toddler groups are housed in a small educational area. The music school is located next to the flower-shaped point building in a 4-storey terraced wing. Below this, at garden level, is the sport area with the associated open spaces. The widely protruding terraces and the characteristic curve of the canopy ensure an inviting atmosphere on the wide, spacious and greened forecourt. The entrance hall extends across its entire width and fulfils the function of distribution for all areas of use. It is connected to the side entrance at Adolf-Blamauer-Gasse for deliveries and has an external entrance for the music school outside campus opening hours. The music school and the event hall for 200 people are also accessible via a separate entrance from the forecourt. Each educational area consists of 7 educational rooms as well as necessary ancillary rooms. The BIBER is where people spend the day together. The heart of each BIBER are the multifunctional areas. These are arranged as spatially differentiated areas of different qualities around a central core consisting of cloakrooms and sanitary rooms. The educational rooms are arranged in groups of 2, with 5m-wide floor-to-ceiling glazing in between, around the multifunctional zone, which is furnished with a variety of furniture that invites people to learn, play and communicate freely. The generous glazing provides plenty of light and exciting outdoor views in all directions. The adjoining classrooms have visual contact with the centre through floor-to-ceiling glazing. The outer spatial layer is formed by generous terraces with plant troughs, which are offset in depth and width from each other on the respective floors, thus generating a spatially exciting open space and contributing to a lively appearance. The terrace universe captivates with multi-storey spatial qualities as an amalgamation of inside and outside. The slightly inclined white sandblasted concrete balustrades serve as light catchers and as an extension of the outdoor space volume. The Aron Menczer educational campus presents itself as a paradigm of new pedagogy.


 City of Vienna MA 10, 13, 56
 17.190 sq. m
 Architekt Martin Kohlbauer
 Architekt Martin Kohlbauer, DI Meinrad Schiffer
 Strabag AG
 structural consultant: KS Ingenieure/landscape planning: 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektkur/building physics: DI Erich Röhrer/technical building systemes: ZFG-Projekt
 Strabag AG, Siemens AG
 Rupert Steiner


Influenced by the genius loci, the designs start from the place with the first sketches being of great importance for the further work. The overriding spatial design principle is often the interpenetration of interior and exterior; the themes of the buildings, which are mostly the result of competition victories, cover a very broad spectrum from urban, school, residential, office and industrial construction to hospital and tourism buildings. This field of activity is complemented by a large number of exhibition designs at home and abroad. We work as an international team in a classic studio atmosphere in a Viennese architectural jewel built by architect Oskar Marmorek in 1889/99 on Nestroyplatz.



#Shortlisted #Austria  #Concrete  #Ceramic  #Glass  #Education  #Green Roof  #Vienna  #Concrete façade  #Ceramic panels  #Architekt Martin Kohlbauer 

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