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SEED Living, flexibility, immediacy, lightness and cosiness

RTE group + Studio Barbariol

Special Projects  /  Future
RTE group + Studio Barbariol
The actual scenario in real estate sector is shaped by a terrific evolution on people’s wishes, by a steady technological updating and also by a pandemic that has forced all of us to live confined in our house. The Home, today, is a porous box available for input and innovation, both technologic and social.
A home that able to reply, promptly, to the need of its user and even more to the people’s wishes that express themselves in the living space.
People’s wishes and the following lifestyles have to be considered strongly linked to words like flexibility, immediacy, lightness and cosiness.
Now, some data:
The majority of the people avoid to loose time in describing to the others their needs.
Over 75% of the buyers are attracted by customer tailed products.
One in two people looks for companies able to support on demand.
As consequence, speed and immediacy, due to the limited time available, have modified, thanks to the digital technology, the consumers’ behaviour allowing desire to be realized almost in the moment in which it’s formalized.
The result is a consumer interested in a purchase experience that has to be personalized and that modifies the concept of property to the concept of sole use of a good or a service.
Anyway, which are people’s attitudes and expectations related to their own home?
Wishes look into the direction of homes where the objects, the furniture and the tasks tell about their masters in a connected volume creating more efficient and smart set up.
Customer tailed, technology, service and modularity are key words.
A kind of modularity that allows to a limitless layout of the home.
A variety of solutions customer tailed that solve any specific need.
Technology as a “trait d’union” useful to control and manage the home easily, even in remote.
In this specific scenario SEED finds its perfect place.
SEED is a pre-assembled rooms configuration, that shall be set up as desired and easily moved to the final placing location.
Any room is designed to maximize the energy profile together with home automation and highest comfort.
Each selectable environment is available on demand and described in a complete catalogue full of options and details.
SEED looks into sustainable and recycling material supported by renewable energies equipment.
SEED is linked to the target of Agenda 2030 granting a sustainable use of the water using technologies allowing the collection of rainwater.
All these to fight the climate change and its impact and moving to sustainable consuming standard.
From design point of view, the mainframe of the rooms is built in steel, open profiles covered and isolated to reach the highest insulation standard on the market.
Thanks to the industrialization of the process, the delivery time is reduced up to 40% comparing to the classic technology granting a full access to changes, update or reshuffling as per new needs.
SEED is produced using certified standards. It also has no value decrease and shall be moved and relocated, even changing the configuration, anywhere. From city to countryside and again in a forest.
Playing on modules, SEED shall optimize the natural sunshine of the plot where it shall be located.
Open where needed and closed where possible.
Thank to glass links, every set up shall be a unique solution responding to the specific need of the owner.
SEED allows to select from the following settings as:
. spa & wellness: for well-being loversper gli amanti del benessere
. best kitchen: for home cooking
. garage: for two and four wheels lovers.
. my living: to live in a smart way the space
. greenhouse: for everyday cultivation
… a full catalouge of options that support any people’s wish.
SEED is mobility where it has always been stability. A dynamic system is by nature innovation.


 90 sq. m
 RTE group + Studio Barbariol
 arch. Giovanni Goina + arch. Marco Barbariol + arch. Caterina Rosso + arch. Giuseppe Musmeci


RTE Group has been established in 2013 thanks to the experience of Mr. Paolo Rosso and the innovation process activated by his son Andrea. The core business is construction, from design to on field activities. During the years more business units have been activated but always with the original philosophy: from imagination to reality. We are a team of young and dedicated people with a strong innovative prospective with the aim to apply new technologies with deep rooted background. With SEEd we wish to give to the market a new vision for a modern way to live home: modular preassabled element that offers cousy room, with a great respect of environment and with the target of a full sustainability.


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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