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Louvre Furnishing Center, designed to entertain and surprise the visitor

A++ Human Sustainable Architecture

Retail  /  Completed
A++ Human Sustainable Architecture
Design in China is to get out of the ordinary, deal with infinite possibilities out of the usuals. China, a country in a not lasting and rapid growth, represents a great challenge and an incredible design goal even for an international architectural firm that has been dealing with different realities all over the world for years; the desire to use creativity, combined with the taste and unique style of Italian craftsmanship, have given life to this project whose objective is to design the future.
Everything starts with nature. There’s no more powerful source of inspiration than nature: its perfect and incomprehensible forms, its strength and vulnerability, the continuous change and surprise. Everything comes from here.
Curves, cuts of light, metal frames, connecting bridges, suspended objects and quadruple height elements are designed to entertain and surprise the visitor.
Three giant pendant lights inspired by Glo by Penta, dominate the central patio and lets visitor to stop and stare to watch the part below.
Symmetrical and blocked shapes, closed volumes that fit together and emerge from the existing façade, create dynamism and give importance to the three main accesses of the commercial center. Architectural details and use of accent lighting, combined with different textures, both material and reflective, create a rational but armonious landmark for the mall.
Treat the skin of a building as a work of art by designing kinetic façades and interactive installations with zero energy. Architecture comes to life, the envelopes change shape and appearance thanks to the latest innovations and technologies. A kinetic facade made of backlit round shapes with engraved Louvre logo, move and shine with wind and light.

Construction main features

Innovation: The building complex is developed with a new design approach in order to create a feeling of wonder in the visitor. The steel structures have been lightened through the careful study of each knot in order to accentuate the slender connection of all the parts that form the building, as a single system..

Environmental qualities and sustainability: The buildings were already there and with them their hard core, but the systems and lighting were designed to best ensure the well-being of visitors. A lot of attention was paid both to the recirculation of the air and to its supply itself to avoid discomfort and for the lighting solutions were chosen where glare is reduced and comfort is optimal..

Integration in its environment and benefits to the community: Externally, a project has been made to unite the various buildings both vertically and on the ground, through the study of a careful landscape that will mitigate and unite the entire new development area of the Guangzhou Financial Center.


 60000 sq. m
 Paolo Colombo, Carlo Colombo
 A++ Team
 Giacomo Carena


A++, founded in 2006, is the international recognized brand through which ARCH GROUP communicate its work. The group is a multi-disciplinary organization made of companies creates to target all aspects that affect the space in HUMAN: from product design to communication, from architecture to interiors, from development to procurement.
We work in more than 10 countries all around the world in different types of project. Our strength and growth as a global firm provides one further important benefit.A++ is a vibrant,diverse firm working across four Regions, yet scale alone isn’t our strength.
We’re united by a common ethos, enduring values and a desire to harness our global expertise for the benefit of the people and communities we work for.Our vision is independent from the work of the individual rather seeking the active collaboration of all,in a creative process where ideas can flow freely through cultural barriers and gain from the commingling of diverse disciplines and techniques


© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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