SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* - Heritage Farmhouse, a bridge between traditions and upcoming trends
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Heritage Farmhouse, a bridge between traditions and upcoming trends


Renovation  /  Completed
SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* aims to leave behind a legacy that will create a bridge between traditions of the past and upcoming trends of the future. Their architects and designers do this with an individualistic creative sense that makes use of a number of elements that help them to always find original solutions.

“When you first visit the ‘Crete’ countryside, you feel concerned that every little change could distroy that perennial harmony.
We felt the responsability to rebuild that vernacular farmer’s house finding a balance that avoids both fake heritage and misplaced modern.”

The old heritage farmhouse is surrounded by a magnificent landscape and features a natural pond – a depiction of the fascinating ecosystem in itself, it was located in the Crete Senesi area in Tuscany, South of Siena. ASZarchitetti and SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* collaborated to instill our unique design philosophies into a distinct project – rebuilding a farmhouse in southern Tuscany to have modern elements and contemporary aspects. Given the proposal, we approached the project with caution since we needed to make sure that we created a new concept without compromising the integrity of the previous structure.

The main theme behind the project was to adopt a modern methodology in rebuilding the house. At the same time, we needed to respect the traditional and rural architecture of the historically important area. Instead of taking up a mimicking outlook, we drew clear inspiration from the original building. Of course, we had to make our contemporary advances explicit as well. The result would be an eclectic mix of unique aspects on opposing sides of the spectrum – the old and new, the predictable and the unknown, and most obvious, conservative nature as well as a futuristic one.

Some of the most eye-catching characteristics of the project include the sustainable method of reusing existing materials in a modern style. In addition, there were other features, like sleek metal cornices at the openings and frameless windows. We developed a customized design process to meet the needs of the project. Construction was executed as per the traditional design. That is, we used the previous outline to establish a new structure. However, we supported it with next-generation technology to maintain better engineering standards. This was proven by the resulting structure’s robustness, adherence to the latest anti-seismic codes, enhanced thermal performance, and energy efficiency.


 275 mq


SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* is a sister concern of ASZarchitetti, founded by Andrea Sensoli with three partners Cecilia Morosi, Iacopo Mannelli and Andrea Rettori. The brand specializes in providing luxurious architectural designs to renowned clients in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and prides itself to be one of the best firms in the world. The name SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* depicts the company’s determination to go above and beyond – transcending consumer expectations, propelling way into the future.
Being based in the cradle of World’s Renaissance and yet so sturdy projected into the future is not a contradiction to principal architect Andrea Sensoli: past and future are both abstract concepts that are left to be interpreted. Yet, the materialistic design will remain grounded in what can be objectively defined. Highlighted by modern finishes and adorned with cultural elements, designs are a glance at what has been achieved and an insight into what we can become


#Finalist #Italy  #Concrete  #Residence  #Asciano  #Plaster façade  #Pitched roof  #Polished concrete flooring  #SUPERFUTUREDESIGN* 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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