INSIDE_RUIN, on the ruins of the Selinunte’s Temple G
Giuseppe Todaro Architect - Vito Maria Mancuso Architect / (O.A.P.P.C. Trapani - F.A.M. "Francesco La Grassa")
Special Projects
The concept identified Selinunte’s Temple G, the second largest in Magna Graecia after the Temple of Zeus in Agrigento, and suggested the place and theme for our work, starting from the proposal for anastylosis by art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, who years ago was in charge for cultural and environmental heritage and Sicilian identity in Sicily’s regional government. Doubts about the reconstruction of Selinunte’s largest temple were confirmed by geological surveys carried out by the University of Camerino: experts found just under Temple G a fault previously not indicated by the INGV maps. This was reported last February in a scientific seminar by Professor Fabio Pallotta, whom we involved in our performance entitled Inside_Ruin : a light installation on the ruins of the Temple G pronaos, with spotlights positioned towards the three Doric columns raised in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the projecting entablatures, the cyclopean capitals collapsed on the ground. These architectures of light hosted for about an hour the story Eratosthenes, the face of the Earth, a theatrical play revolving around the Greek character of Eratosthenes. His most spectacular achievement, set to play a decisive role in the scientific knowledge of planet Earth, was the exact measurement, of the circumference of the terrestrial globe, and that no less than 23 centuries ago. The play was written by Michela Costanzi and Prof. Fabio Pallotta and narrated by the same prof. Pallotta, with a musical score composed and performed by Nazzareno Zacconi. This event was organized within the Architects meet in Selinunte event by the Board of Archiects of the Province of Trapani and the "La Grassa" Foundation (concept by architects Giuseppe Todaro and Vito Maria Mancuso), with the help of an extraordinary group of architects including Giuseppina Pizzo, Francesco Taddeo, Salvatore Damiano, Vito Todaro, Maurizio Longo, Francesco Tranchida (the full list is quite long...) and made possible with the precious help of Selinunte Archaeological Park director, architect Enrico Caruso. Credit for the event was must be given also to local sponsors: Alcamo-based "Adragna Illuminazione" for the lighting system of the installation and Castelvetrano’s "Molini del Ponte" for the sacks of flour used as mats on the lawn in front of the stage area as well as the gift of a flour product made from grains grown in the fields around Selinunte. The theatrical play, through poetry, music and video projection, interprets the yearning for scientific and humanistic knowledge with the combination of Art, Science and History. With a critical mind, Eratosthenes takes us back to 3rd century BC Alexandria, when, in a universe largely populated by myths, some enlightened men had the extraordinary intuition that natural phenomena could be understood by reason, finding the mathematical laws that rule them and allow for their explanation, thus laying the foundations for modern science. The narrative is addressed to humanity as a whole, so that it may consider the profound history of our planet which, through its complex and singular peculiarities, has made us the only children of the only compatible ecosystem that is given to us. During an inspection, while jumping on and off the ruins, surrounded by a sublime landscape, it occurred to us that we could interact with what over time had been "placed" there, with the body and soul of the place, the so-called GENIUS LOCI. We thought of theatrical action with the remains of the temple as the backdrop where at dusk the sun sets among the remaining columns and with well-directed lighting exalting what was left of the memory. The actors interact in the ruins of what once was while the audience before them participate in the story in a natural setting that explodes at sunset in its elementary essentiality. A careful study of what to illuminate and how, where to place the actors, where to project slides brings out the ruin as a natural scenic medium, making a case against major reconstruction, as it is proves that we can give a new lease on life to these ruins and evoke the memory of their lost time in softer ways, through light, sound and human interplay.
Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica - AIAC
4200 mq
Giuseppe Todaro Architect - Vito Maria Mancuso Architect / (O.A.P.P.C. Trapani - F.A.M. "Francesco La Grassa")
Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Trapani / Fondazione Architetti nel Mediterraneo "Francesco La Grassa"
Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica - AIAC / Parco Archeologico di Selinunte e Cave di Cusa
Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Trapani / Fondazione Architetti nel Mediterraneo "Francesco La Grassa"
Adragna Illuminazione (Alcamo), Molini del Ponte (Castelvetrano)
Giuseppina Pizzo, Francesco Taddeo
Giuseppe Todaro Architect (Erice 1976) Si laurea in architettura nel 2002 a Palermo con tesi in progettazione, relatore Bibi Leone. E' stato Professore a contratto presso la Facoltà di Architettura di Palermo ed assistente ai corsi di Progettazione Architettonica tenuti da Bibi Leone, Giovanbattista Magazzù e Marcello Panzarella. Dal 2006 è docente del Seminario itinerante di progettazione Villard de Honnencourt. I suoi progetti hanno avuto visibilità nazionale ed internazionale in mostre e pubblicazioni. Pubblica nel 2013 "Muratore di opera grave. Conversazione con Alvaro Siza Vieira", Edizioni LetteraVentidue. | Vito Maria Mancuso Architecs. Opera nel campo della progettazione architettonica e urbanistica. Tra i riconoscimenti: menzione al concorso P.zza Garibaldi Spoleto; I premio ex aequo "I Sagrati d’Italia"; I premio concorso di idee "Piano del colore di Marsala"; Segnalazione al Premio di architettura "Mauro Rostagno". Riveste la carica di Presidente dell’OAPPC di Trapani.