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Weitblick 1.7

SEHW Architektur GmbH

Mixed Use  /  Future
SEHW Architektur GmbH
The new office building for Leitwerk GmbH constitutes the start of the Innovation Park Augsburg. Through its circular cubage the building comprehends strength and identity. This impression is emphasized by the horizontal formation of the façade. Being detached from the ground it opens its courtyard to the urban quarter. Thereby the courtyard becomes a public square that links the building to the cityscape. Two further openings enable to cross from the adjacent street and the neighboring site and support the networking between institutions. Dining areas and a kindergarten on the ground floor and a conference center on the two top floors provide further linkage. The office spaces can be rented from 400m², but they can also be joined together horizontally and vertically to a total rental space from up to 3.000m². Work is manifold, needs mutable conditions, does not just happen at a desk and may also be fun! All of these mutiple forms of work can be combined within Weitblick 1.7 and create a lively collectivity. Different offices, institutions and start-ups can find a place here. This is made possible by the architecture itself, since there will be flexibility by leaving off lateral load-bearing walls to fexibly create a single office, a combination with a middle zone, an open space office or contemporary office landscapes, too. Additional communication zones close to the stairs offer meeting places with colleagues or a safe haven for a confidential conversation.

The concept of Perspectives is characterized by its good transport connections and its visibility within the city that also springs from its horizontally shaped façade and the building’s crystalline high point. Therefore, we can call Perspectives the new town’s landmark in the south of Augsburg. Another addendum for the city is the aforementioned conference space with a size of more than 2000m², which does not (compared by size) exist in Augsburg, yet. Located on the 5th and 6th floor, the conference area is positioned on the outer edge of the building ring and rises above the average storeys. It unscrew a bit but nonetheless stays linked to and unfolds out of the main part, following the row of urban building. The conference area is consciously oriented not towards Innovation Park but to the city. The roof spaces of the lower storeys can be walked on and therefore serve as a space of high sojourn quality for conference guests. Inside, a two-storey lobby will shape the middle of the conference area. Like the office part, the conference rooms can be separated or combined.

The building will not serve as a pure form of circulation, but stretch on one side and, on the other side, detach from the ground. The high point stems from the building’s overall form with its bevels. Visitors and staff members alike will be drawn towards the patio, which works as a quarter space and meeting point. This semi-public space is visible from the public city plaza and fear of entering will be reduced. The liveliness of Perspectives will be shaped by visitors from the conference center on the top floor, children going to kindergarten, and staff and citizens having lunch at one of the restaurants on the ground floor. The patio is furthermore animated by outdoor catering, plants and seating options that invite to stay longer.

Since building technology is responsible for a large part of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, Perspectives will be built following a nearly-zero carbon concept. Eco-friendly insulating and construction materials are a part of this concept. Additionally, there will be rainwater usage and a photo-voltaik system. Lastly, the façade’s light steering elements will maximize the amount of daylight.

The new office building for Leitwerk GmbH constitutes the start of the Innovation Park Augsburg. Through it’s circular cubage the building comprehends strength and identity. This Impression is emphasised by the horizontal formation of the facade. Being detached from the ground it opends it’s court yard to the urban quarter. Thereby the courtyard becomes a public square that links the building with the cityscape. Two further openings enable to cross from the adjacent street and the neighboring site and support the network with other institutions. Dining areas and a kindergarten on the ground floor and a conference centre on the two top floors provide further linkage. The office spaces can be rented from 400m². But they can also be joined together horizontally and vertically to a total rental space from up to 3.000m².


 Audax Projektentwicklung GmbH
 27794 sq. m
 SEHW Architektur GmbH (Prof. Xaver Egger; Hendrik Rieger)
 Prof. Xaver Egger, Michael Cornelsen, Anna-Lena Berger, Eunkyoung Song, Achim Eilmsteiner, Thao-Thu Ngyuen
 THIRD; HEP; SEHW Architektur GmbH (see filenames)


Stone or glass, box or blob, metal or wood, straight or round – these are not the considerations which motivate us, but rather the constant search for an answer to the questions of how people will live in the future and how we translate this creatively.

SEHW was founded in 1996 and the brand consists of multiple internationally operating companies. Hendrik Rieger and Prof. Xaver Egger are the CEOs of SEHW Architektur GmbH in Berlin.

In addition to genuine architecture services, SEHW is involved in general planning and project development. The company focusses on public buildings as well as offices, hotels and buildings for the real estate economy.

Many SEHW projects have been awarded architectural prizes during the last years. Among others, SEHW’s educational buildings received the BUILD AWARD Best Educational Facility Design – Germany in 2017. In 2018 the Shared Living-project was awarded the AIT Award in the category “future living models”.



#Shortlisted #Germany  #Steel  #Fiberglass  #Glass Structure  #SEHW Architektur GmbH  #Augsburg  #Multifunctional Building - Complex 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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