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Hospitality  /  Future
First glance at urban regulations for location in question reveals that the square footage needed for the program considerably exceeds the footage that can be placed above the ground. We found the solution in special design feature. The entire program is organized in circular building blocks wrapping around an inner atrium. The inner side of atrium is then deepened allowing sunlight to come to underground levels. The same principle is also applied to semi circular parts of building on outer side where the surrounding terrain is used to hide the view on extra levels.
When adding additional levels to the building the whole building block is adapted to fit to sloping terrain. With introducing also some additional height difference to allow views from the atrium towards the surroundings the basic building block gets very recognizable and attractive shape. The building as a whole is designed by repetition and multiplication of basic building blocks. In that way different programs are organized around separated outer spaces helping to differentiate the parts of the building. Every block is again modified according to terrain. The blocks are then connected to each other forming the entire complex.
The inner atriums that are the result of functional organization of needed program are together with attractive roofscape also one of the main design elements of the buildings. Visually separated but connected through the inner program the atriums form some kind of numerous oases where each of them hosts different program.
Expression of the entire complex is very uniform. Atriums and half atriums are those who define the outer spaces of separate programs. The twisted roofs that are adapting to hilly terrain are at the same time very attractive and are helping to diminish the presence of the complex in the surrounding.


 Tetusa Company
 58.700 mq
 Dean Lah, Milan Tomac, Tjaž Bauer, Nuša Završnik Šilec, Zoran Beloševac, Polona Ruparčič, Peter Karba, Goran Djokić


Enota was founded in 1998 with the ambition to create contemporary and critical architectural practice of an open type based on collective approach to development of architectural and urban solutions. Constant changes and new complex situations in the world around us drive us to think about new architectural and urban solutions. In order to be able to produce answers to those new questions we believe it’s time to surpass the boundaries of conventional discipline set mainly by our cultural backgrounds. Enota’s team of architects focuses on research driven design of the environment where study of contemporary social organizations and use of new technologies are interwoven to produce innovative and effective solutions. Enota’s solutions are strongly influenced by research, reinterpretation and development of social, organizational and design algorithms that derive from nature. The result is always a strong binding of the buildings with the environment that surrounds them.


#Shortlisted #Hotels  #Leisure  #Healthcare  #Turkey  #Enota  #Cesme 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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