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Casa per le vacanze a Rovigno (Croazia)

Maurizio Bradaschia

Villa  /  Completed
Maurizio Bradaschia
Casa bifamiliare a Rovigno (Croazia)
Due parallelepipedi geometricamente perfetti sono sovrapposti e orientati secondo le giaciture principali del lotto e, più in generale, del contesto.
Un lieve declivio nel bosco ospita abitazioni unifamiliari a poche decine di metri dal mare, di fronte alla vecchia città di Rovigno, in Croazia.
L’edificio si apre sul mare con ampie vetrate per chiudersi a monte e sui lati minori, verso il bosco e la strada.
Un livello interrato del fabbricato suddiviso in due abitazioni distinte ospita i locali di servizio. Il piano terra si apre, per ognuno dei due alloggi concepiti identici ma speculari, con un soggiorno/cottura, e ospita, sul retro, un bagno e una camera.
Il livello superiore ospita due ulteriori camere e un bagno.
I due corpi sovrapposti, esplicito omaggio al movimento moderno, si caratterizzano per un diverso trattamento dei prospetti: quello sottostante è concepito rivestito a corsi orizzontali, ad interloquire con la natura circostante; quello superiore, intonacato e tinteggiato in bianco, a ricercare la leggerezza e costituire un elemento scultoreo riconoscibile tra il verde del bosco di pini marittimi e il blu del cielo di Rovigno.

Semi-detached house at Rovinj in Croatia
Two geometrically perfect parallelepiped are built one above the other, and oriented according to the lie of the land, and more generally the whole environment.
On a slight slope in the woods there are some detached houses a few meters from the sea, opposite the old town of Rovinj in Croatia.
The building opens onto the sea with large windows: it is closed towards the hill, and on the sides, towards the wood and the road.
An underground level of the building, which is separated into two different residences, contains the services to the house. The ground floor, identical but specular for each house, opens onto an open-plan sitting-room/kitchen, while at the back there is a bathroom and a bedroom.
The upper floor has two further bedrooms and a bathroom.
The two blocks, one above the other, are an explicit homage to the modern movement, they are characterized by a different treatment of perspectives: the lower level is covered in horizontal strips, to blend with the surrounding woodland; the upper level is plastered and painted white, to suggest lightness and act as a recognizable sculptural element between the green of the pine woods and the blue of the sky above Rovinj.


 Rovigno (Croazia)
 230 sq. m
 Maurizio Bradaschia
 Maurizio Bradaschia
 Trieste Costruzioni


Maurizio Bradaschia (Trieste, 1962) graduated in architecture at IUAV in 1987 with Luciano Semerani (tutor). He obtained his Ph.D. at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome; he is associate professor in Trieste, where he teaches "Architectural Design", "Technical Architecture" and "Project Components of Building" at the Department of Engineering and Architecture.
Enabled in the first band in the competition sector 08 / C1 Design and Engineering Technology Architecture, is part of the School Committee of the Ph.D. in Architecture - Theory and design of the University of Rome, Sapienza, Department of Architecture and Design.



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