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The Ciater New University, Indonesia

Sasaki Associates

Urban Planning  /  Future
Sasaki Associates
The Ciater New University master plan (near Subang, Indonesia) harnessess an incredible natural setting near Jakarta to create a new paradigm for collaborative teaching and learning in Indonesia. The plan restores and re-inforces existing natural systems and habitat while strategically introducing a series of new spaces that create a powerful setting for campus life and experience. The master plan also creates an integrated model that actively promotes the restoration and sustainable inclusion of the agricultural landscape that is characteristic of this region of Indonesia.
The University’s academic mission, developed in partnership with a host of academic advisers is based on bold new paradigms for integrating the fields of technology, health sciences, business, humanities and design education. The new campus will provide a home for the long term development of the institution that anticipates a steady growth in student enrollment (10,300 students) over the next 10 years.
The key objective of the Master Plan is to develop a campus that is conducive to the realization of the university’s mission: to redefine higher education in Indonesia by creating a new pedagogical model that embraces multi-disciplinary learning, to become Indonesia’s leading residential college and academic community and to formulate a new paradigm that focuses on developing socially conscious and collaborative professionals.
The plan responds to the site, its ecoregion, and hydrological context through a variety of conservation and sustainable development strategies. Recognizing the complex interrelationship between the highland rainforest in the nearby mountains and traditional Javanese agroecosystems, the campus landscape is heavily influenced by the local flora and promotes traditional organic farming practices. This nexus of agriculture, ecology, and campus life enhances the broader mission of the university and is integrated throughout.
With strong connections between the academic, residential, and student life areas, the campus community is conceived as a compact living-learning village that builds upon the vibrancy of the campus core, situated harmoniously in an incredible natural setting. The master plan emphasizes the following:
- Building and key program destinations are concentrated within a 10 minute walking radius, making the campus a completely pedestrian environment.
- Buildings are optimized in their orientation, massing, height and section to take advantage of natural ventilation and day-lighting, contributing significant energy consumption reductions to the campus.
- Building development parcels and surrounding infrastructure follow closely the form of the terrain to minimize earth movement, balance cut and fill and to maintain earth volumes on site.
- The development of service and support infrastructure for the campus will be incremental, allowing for roads, parking and utilities to be phased together with the campus’s growth.
- The valley is transformed into a primary campus amenity integrating water management systems, housing a diversity of natural habitat, agriculture terraces, student recreation and spaces for outdoor learning.

Campus Framework
The Master Plan takes advantage of the site’s landform by concentrating the academic core and student housing around the central valley and the ravines. This strategy enables the preservation of key watersheds on site and creates a series of diverse open space experiences.
The academic core of the campus is organized as a linear structure of interconnected buildings clustered around covered courtyards and patios. Vernacular building typologies of big shade roofs are re-interpreted to create a contemporary typology of pavilion like buildings under a big roof. This typology fosters a collaborative learning environment that blurs the inside and outside enabling teaching and learning to take place in highly visible settings throughout the year. The library and the campus lawn form the heart of the university and sit at a pivotal location commanding views of the valley, student housing and hills beyond.
Two different types of student housing are envisaged: the hillside housing leverages the unique topography of the site to create a series of linear clusters that step down to the valley while the plateau is developed as housing clusters with courtyards. The ground level of the housing is envisaged as a series of flexible learning and social spaces that tie student life with academics.
Landscape Framework and Connectivity
The campus landscape builds upon the unique character of the two distinct ravines and their relationship to the surrounding built landscape. Drawing upon the natural and cultural heritage of Java, the valley and west ravine is the iconic landscape of the campus, offering multi-functional spaces integrated within re-envisioned agricultural terraces. In contrast, the eastern ravine provides a contemplative natural rainforest landscape for study and reflection, framed by student housing. An integral part of the campus ecosystem, on-site composting works in conjunction with the organic farm and campus housing ‘home gardens’, integrated into the public realm, providing opportunities for food production, research and learning.
A comprehensive array of social, communal, and recreational facilities form the armature of student life on campus. Academic life and social life are thought of as seamlessly integrated and a series of indoor and outdoor gathering spaces and courtyards are created throughout the plan, to support informal learning and socializing. Engagement with the external community and villages that surround the site forms a key component and facilities that enable this are strategically located in the mixed use campus center at the entrance to the campus.


 Subang, Indonesia
 3000000 sq. m
 Sasaki Associates
 Dennis Pieprz, Romil Sheth, Caitlyn Clauson, Anthony Fettes, Youngju Cho, Vee Petchthevee, Daniel Xu
 Sasaki Associates


Sasaki Associates comprises architecture, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, graphic design, interior design, and civil engineering, as well as strategic planning and software development. Among these disciplines, we collaborate in equilibrium, and each is recognized nationally and internationally for design excellence. On our teams, practitioners from diverse backgrounds come together to create unique, contextual, enduring solutions. Our integrated approach yields rich ideas, surprising insights, unique partnerships, and a broad range of resources for our clients. This approach enables us to work seamlessly and successfully from planning to implementation. While our disciplines offer depth of expertise, our studio structure engenders breadth, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration. From our headquarters in metro Boston, USA, and with an office in Shanghai, we work in a variety of settings—locally, nationally, and globally.


#Finalist #Asia  #Masterplan  #Sasaki Associates  #The Plan Award  #Indonesia  #Subang 

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