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Ananas New Community: A food systems approach to habitat enhancement and social sustainability, Philippines

Sasaki Associates

Urban Planning  /  Future
Sasaki Associates
A food systems approach to habitat enhancement and social sustainability.

Ananas represents a bold approach to urban development that celebrates the agricultural, social, and ecological heritage of the Philippines. This new vision cultivates – within the context of an evolving urban district - an ecosystem that actively supports a more sustainable regional food network. By preserving the local region’s role and identity as the Food Basket of Manila, and drawing from the essential elements of Filipino culture, Ananas represents a wholly new paradigm of urban living. Ananas will reconnect Filipinos with the knowledge of how food is produced, providing places for people to engage with and learn from local agricultural practices. Through meaningful engagement with Silang farms, cultural and educational institutions, cafes and restaurants, the plan will foster the exchange of skills and knowledge to engage all members of the community in lifelong learning, and civic involvement. The plan is a compelling and feasible proposition that will shape the future of greater Manila. We are confident it will have a lasting legacy in the evolution of cities in the Philippines, benefitting its people and natural resources.


In recent decades, the Philippines has witnessed consistent population and economic growth. Official statistics estimate the country will grow by 50 million people in the next 35 years, straining already congested and rapidly expanding metropolitan areas such as Manila. This growth comes at the expense of agricultural land, compromising the lifeline of existing communities and the food supply of future generations. Single-use gated communities are the norm, and a complete disregard for natural systems has exacerbated issues surrounding flooding, regional water quality and supply. Alternatively, Ananas seeks to reconfigure traditional relationships between farmland and urban development. A series of Pollinator Paths, linear community gardens with a range of plot types, are distributed within the plan so that every resident has access to an agricultural plot in less than a two-minute walk. This new form of urban agriculture allows for existing farmers to continue working the land while mentoring newer residents in local farming practices. Related community and agricultural programs, such as restaurants, markets, and a culinary school, are located immediately adjacent to the Pollinator Paths, creating further opportunities for local economic development and innovation. The integration of Pollinator Paths with the public space network transforms agriculture into a communal experience. In-depth research of the local environment and ecology was used to support a comfortable microclimate at the neighborhood and building scales. Wind and energy simulation was used in the design process to drive the urban form and create a neighborhood fabric that relies predominantly on passive sustainable strategies. A verdant, connected, and functional landscape network of agricultural plots, ravine eco-corridors and parks ensure the recharge of the region’s aquifer, while reducing the risk of flooding downstream. A pedestrian oriented public realm promotes walking and biking. Plazas, sidewalks and trails tie the natural landscape with civic, cultural and entertainment spaces allowing the community to connect with nature and with each other. A Central Park is envisioned as a regional destination that includes spaces for recreation, events and markets where existing farmers can showcase and sell local agricultural produce. Unlike neighboring gated developments, Ananas will be a mixed-use open community, providing employment opportunities and an environment where all residents of the region can access and benefit from its amenities.

Social and Economic Concerns

From the outset of the visioning process, the planning and design team in collaboration with the client, sought to reinvent new community development in the Philippines. Ananas provides a development framework that transcends the site boundaries to make a contribution to the region in social, environmental and economic terms. We worked to celebrate the agricultural heritage of the site, creating new economic opportunities for the existing community and help improve the quality of food available in the region. The Master Plan articulates integrated public spaces, residential, civic, education, retail, and service uses to create a holistic new community that responds to Filipinos’ aspirations to live in a place that will make a positive impact in their environment and lives. Walkability, biking and access to transit were prioritized over private vehicles, and we promoted quality of life through meaningful social interaction, access to community amenities and the site’s preserved natural resources. Throughout the planning process, we engaged with local officials establishing reciprocity and exchange of knowledge, building capacity and elevating their expectations for future developments in the area. With a clear path towards launch and implementation of first phases in the next three years, Ananas will shape not only the future of the people of Silang, but also that of greater Manila. We are confident it will have a lasting legacy in the evolution of cities in the Philippines, benefitting its people and natural resources.


 Metropolitan Manila, Philippines
 ACM Holdings
 1200000 sq. m
 Sasaki Associates
 Dennis Pieprz, Victor Eskinazi, Anthony Fettes, Justin Garrison, Ponnapa Prakkamakul, Mary Anne OCampo, Lin Ye, Zi Gu, Lachlan Hicks
 Sasaki Associates


Sasaki comprises architecture, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, graphic design, interior design, and civil engineering, as well as financial planning and software development. Among these disciplines, we collaborate in equilibrium, and each is recognized nationally and internationally for design excellence. On our teams, practitioners from diverse backgrounds come together to create unique, contextual, enduring solutions. Our integrated approach yields rich ideas, surprising insights, unique partnerships, and a broad range of resources for our clients. This approach enables us to work seamlessly and successfully from planning to implementation. While our disciplines offer depth of expertise, our studio structure engenders breadth, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration. From our headquarters in metro Boston, USA, and with an office in Shanghai, we work in a variety of settings—locally, nationally, and globally.


#Winner #Asia  #Masterplan  #Sasaki Associates  #The Plan Award  #Philippines  #Manila 

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