The first Vivienne Westwood Café Shanghai opened to the public in April 2015 in the K11 Art Mall Shanghai. Designed by Simona Franci, design director and partner of Fortebis Group, the Café presents the classics and core elements of the brand, bringing a brand new impact to the fashion world.
The Café, that extend its area to a total of 110mq, is composed by two rooms: the Photo Shooting Panel and the Tea Room.
The Photo Shooting Panel is inspired by the backstage of a fashion show. Adorned with a wide selection of furniture made of South America black wood and South African rosewood, this area recalls the design of a typical British café.
The Tea Room relates to a colonial-style setting with core elements of the French style environment in the 18th century: with details such as a vintage chandelier and the unique Trompe l’oeil wallpaper.
The two areas are joined together by a glass partition featuring the 13-hour “worlds end” clock, complete with hands that move anti-clockwise rapidly.
The identity of the new corporate dedicated to Vivienne Westwood Cafè expresses the authentic britishness creating twists through the use of elements of the brand.
Il primo Vivienne Westwood Café di Shanghai ha aperto al pubblico nell'aprile 2015 nel distretto K11 Art Mall di Shanghai. Progettato da Simona Franci, design director e partner di Fortebis Group, il Café presenta gli elementi classici e fondamentali del marchio, creando una novità architettonica nel mondo della moda.
Il Café, che si estende su una superficie di 110mq, è composto da due zone: la 'Photo Shooting Panel' e la sala da tè.
La zona Photo Shooting è ispirata al dietro le quinte di una sfilata di moda. Arredata con una selezione di mobili creati appositamente in legno bianco Sud Americano e legno di rosa del Sud Africa, questa zona ricorda il design di una tipica caffetteria britannica.
La sala da tè, invece, si riferisce ad un ambiente in stile coloniale con elementi fondamentali dello stile francese nel diciottesimo secolo: decorato con un lampadario d'epoca e l'esclusiva carta da parati Trompe l'oeil.
Le due aree sono unite tra di loro attraverso a una parete di vetro, dove compare l'orologio "worlds end" che segna 13 ore, completo con le lancette che si muovono rapidamente in senso antiorario.
L'identità del nuovo Vivienne Westwood Cafè esprime lo stile autentico inglese anche grazie ad i tocchi della Maison.
Vivienne Westwood Café - Shangai - The Trompe l’oeil wallpaper
2/F, K11 Shopping Centre, 300 Huaihai Rd M
Moda Mia
110 sq. m
Simona Franci, Disign Director – Simone Spoletini, Direttore Tecnico
Giuliano Apicella, Daniela Zogopoulos
Fortebìs Group is an all-inclusive architectural and design firm with a multidisciplinary philosophy. Founded in 2001 by architect Edith Forte, along with her partners and a team of experts,
Fortebìs is one of the world leaders in architectural design and engineering. The woman behind the architecture and design is Simona Franci, partner at Fortebìs. Having mastered the Corporate Identity within the luxury automotive makers, like Ferrari and Maserati, with her exquisite, contemporary showroom design seen around the world and having created Interior Design for the most famous haute couture fashion brands, such as Giorgio Armani, Vivienne Westwood, Dondup and many others.
Simona Franci is deeply convinced that the perfection of every single project is the expression of a universal method based on the beauty of the sign, combined with the harmony of all the elements which together give life to the synthesis through a unique quest, just like a tailored dress.