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DAZZLE Kerry Center Flagship Store

Cristofori Santi Architetti

Retail  /  Completed
Cristofori Santi Architetti
Dazzle store at the Kerry Centre Shopping Mall is the first shop of the just renovated image of the Brand.
The store design states the Brand will of having a refined image, clearly feminine but in a not obvious and too conventional way, that embodies the Dazzle woman, at the same time elegant and dynamic, modern and chic.
The store concept was born around a strong idea of space that leads to the result of having a dynamic space with a clean design. The layout is generated from a shape that is conventionally called "Petal", which is a rhomboid with curved angles. This matrix overlaps the space assigned by the Landlord and becomes pure white partitions that like a theatrical scenography cut the original room and create a dynamic space. The collection is displayed just in front of these white surfaces.
Behind the white partitions are hidden the fitting rooms areas, the cashier desk station, the technical and stock areas.
This space concept can be briefly described as a "minimal Baroque".
The architectural box is gray stucco with a rough finishing; marble panels are located on this perimetric layer in order to have special focus areas. One of the focus panels hanged on the wall has a special finishing designed and custom made in Italy exclusively for Dazzle Brand, it is a combination of rough wooden boards covered by a 5mm transparent and glossy resin layer. The contrast between the white petals, the rough gray stucco and the precious marbles is the base of an unexpected effect.
The wooden floor has a typical European decor that is mainly known because it was used in the aristocratic houses in Paris. This floor has black marble inserts with the shape of petals.
The freestanding displays, that are generated from the same matrix, have a light gold finishing on the vertical surface and a marble layer on top. All the hardware details are very simple but at the same time the design of them talks about quality and high-end environment.
The store front and the windows are designed in a way that the strength of the inside architecture can be easily seen from outside, in some way the shop is itself the window. In Kerry Centre shop the side close to the void area of the balcony has big marble panels which are visible from the road and from the mall lobby.
The lighting design, a key part of a sales space, was created to superimpose layers of light; on the one hand it lights up the space, emphasising the materiality and finish of the partitions and, on the other, it creates accents, highlighting colours and materials in the garments and accessories on show.
Lighting products and systems developed, then, to create light scenography within the store capable of bringing out the nature of the space, emphasising the colours and fabrics of the merchandise on show, and inviting the customer to enter, to stay and to select their purchases.


 Kerry Center Shopping Mall, Shanghai, China
 Dazzle Fashion Group
 242 sq. m
 Cristofori Santi Architetti
 Giacomo Cristofori, Marialisa Santi, Tamara Aeri, Silvia Bertacco, Giuseppe Romano, Anna Casera
 Rich Honor
 Rossi Lighting (Lighting Designer), Very Space Design (Local Architects)
 Reggiani Illuminazione, Bianchi F.lli, Cantù (Co)
 Dazzle Fashion Group; Cristofori Santi Architetti


Lo studio Cristofori Santi Architetti nasce da una collaborazione iniziata nel 2005 tra gli architetti Giacomo Cristofori e Marialisa Santi e opera negli ambiti architettura, progettazione di interni, retail e restauro del moderno. Si avvale delle professionalità complementari di architetti interni e di un network internazionale di tecnici e consulenti. In oltre sei anni di consulenza per lo studio Vudafieri Saverino Partners, operano costantemente sul cliente Tod’s; prendono parte alla progettazione, direzione creativa, sviluppo e realizzazione del concept per negozi di marchi internazionali come Costume National, Kenzo, Jimmy Choo, Loewe, MetersBomwe, Miele, Stroili Oro, Versace.
Numerosi sono i progetti realizzati in Italia, in Europa, negli USA e nell’est asiatico (Cina e Indonesia), dove CSA opera regolarmente dal 2008. I progetti coniugano creatività, concretezza, semplicità e si distinguono per l’accuratezza, la ricerca del supporto artigianale, il gusto della contaminazione.



#Asia  #China  #Commercial - Retail  #Shanghai  #The Plan Award  #Cristofori Santi Architetti  #Dazzle Fashion Group  #Cristofori Santi Architetti 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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