Previous State The project proposal is born from a careful analysis of the attractions: a waterfront of historical matrix located in a completely urbanized scenario. The intervention arises as an engine for the relaunch of the tourist accommodation in Praia a Mare, and involves the replacement of the flooring and furnishings as well as the network of existing lighting without breaking preconceived balances. This is the main avenue of Praia a Mare, on which the City Hall is located, between the piazza Italy and piazza della Resistenza. The Avenue, currently asphalted, counts isolated trees towards the buildings and garden beds including shrubby essences and other trees toward the vehicular traffic in front. The Avenue is not responsive to the needs of the today town and its tourist potential. Street furniture is random and inhomogeneous, as well as of little value. The tangible and intangible infrastructure for tourism purposes totally absent. This is also the redesign of the pedestrian traffic and beachfront, adjacent to the existing cycle track, currently occupied by the free beach. Aim of the Intervention The project concerns the upgrading of tangible and intangible infrastructure of the historic centre of Praia a Mare (CS), in line with the aims and objectives of the territorial pact. Specifically, the project aims to upgrade the infrastructures of viale della Libertà and the sea front to extend the abilities and the tourist offer of the town. The project involves work on two areas that were mentioned earlier: viale della Libertà and the waterfront, and is designed to spell out concrete perspectives for development which ensure that, even in the longer term, management and financial capabilities, as well as an induced locally and tangible development of the areas affected by the intervention. The project, construction and infrastructure, provides a component finishes prevalent compared to the service component. The project proposal was born from a careful analysis of the attractions: a tree-lined street in a scenario completely urbanized. The intervention has as replacing the existing asphalt pavement in natural stone, such as replacing the existing lighting network and upgrading the urban system and does not break previously established balances. Since this is the rationalization and replacing a public lighting and furniture and flooring system exists, there is that aesthetically perceptual improvement. The works do not interfere in any way with any of the ecosystems. Description The project aims to upgrade the infrastructure of viale della Libertà and the sea front to extend the abilities and the tourist offer of the town. The same plan interventions on two areas that were mentioned earlier: viale della Libertà and the waterfront, and is designed to spell out concrete perspectives for development which ensure that, even in the longer term, management and financial capabilities, as well as an induced locally and tangible development of the areas affected by the intervention. The project, construction and infrastructure, provides a component finishes prevalent compared to the service component. The contract includes all jobs, benefits, supplies and supplies that are necessary to make the work as outlined and provided for in the contract, completely accomplished according to the conditions set out in the special conditions and by the same contract.
Praia a Mare (Province of Cosenza)
Comune di Praia a Mare
8366 sq. m
Maurizio Bradaschia
Maurizio Bradaschia con Federica La Rocca e Antonella Russo
Punto Verde Snc di Francesco Cairo e C.
Alessandra Bello
Maurizio Bradaschia (Trieste, 1962) si laurea in Architettura presso lo IUAV nel 1987 con Luciano Semerani. Consegue il Dottorato di Ricerca presso l'Università "La Sapienza" di Roma, è professore associato confermato a Trieste, dove insegna "Progettazione Architettonica", e “Elementi Costruttivi” presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura. Abilitato in prima fascia nel settore concorsuale 08/C1 Design e Progettazione Tecnologica dell’Architettura, fa parte del Collegio Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura - Teorie e progetto dell’ Università di Roma, Sapienza, Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto.