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Schmidt Zeevis Rotterdam

Alsemgeest Design & Build

Production  /  Completed
Alsemgeest Design & Build
Schmidt Zeevis Rotterdam BV is one of the largest suppliers of fresh fish in the Netherlands. With approximately 200 employees, clients such as restaurants, hotels, seagoing ships, ship stores and private customers are offered tailor-made service on a daily basis throughout the country
The company’s marketing vision was clearly broader and more intense than average. The look and feel of the new premises had to be aligned with this vision. It did not take long before the functional and hygienic demands and departure points in the programme of requirements were supplemented by the desire to design a building in the shape of a seaworthy ship: an unmistakeable reference to the company’s Rotterdam roots.
Fundamental to the design is a ship lying at anchor in an inner harbour with the quay to the right and a container terminal to the left. This perspective has been fully maintained from concept through to the detail of final execution. The container image is reinforced by the various levels required to house the wide range of functions for which the building was designed.
The building consists of two storeys and a ‘cabin wheelhouse’ that functions as a representative reception area. The building consists of two storeys and a ‘cabin wheelhouse’ that functions as a representative reception area.
There are four distinct zones on the ground floor; the factory for fresh fish and related products, the incoming and outgoing forwarding and commodities facility, the store itself and the stand-alone freezer facility. After intensive customer research, it was decided to relocate the store to a new site in the Rotterdam suburbs. The high-care fish filleting department was the starting point for the fresh fish factory. The adjacent rooms house the related packaging departments, crate washing and storage facilities as well as the freezer and defrosting units and a secure export cell.

The logistical flows of staff, guests and customers are designed to ensure that nobody can enter the factory without passing through the hygiene sluice.
The ship was constructed in the shape of a freestanding steel frame circumventing the building’s head mass. By opening the bow alongside the executive offices on the conference room side of the building, the sense of being aboard a ship is reinforced yet further.
The building as a whole is a prefab concrete structure with a steel roof. Due to the enormous temperature differences – continuously at minus 25 degrees Celsius – the freezer facility stands alone as well as the ascending main steel main structure. The freezer facility ’shrinks’ from the main building and is especially detailed.
The outer skin consists of insulated modular panels in two colours. On the outside, a bright white shade keeps out the rays of the sun; on the inside, a warmer, broken white. The panels at floor level are protected by stainless steel skirting boards.


 Matlingeweg 333 Rotterdam
 Schmidt Zeevis Rotterdam BV
 7928 sq. m
 Nico Alsemgeest / Albert Jan Brakman
 Nico Alsemgeest / Albert Jan Brakman / Rinke Kortenbach / Francine Kools / Yusuf Sarac / Martin Hoogendoorn
 Dijkham Bouw BV - Nijkerk
 Imd Raadgevend Ingenieurs BV


Alsemgeest Design & Build facilitate the complete development of the construction process.

Design, architecture and site development as a starting point for coming in a smooth line to the construction execution of needs and requirements for their monitoring this process and budget planning.

The unburdening of our clients is the main goal that we set. Short powerful lines and work in a professional environment with a thorough knowledge of all aspects of setting up the delivery of new buildings as well as in complicated alterations and renovations.

Consultation and clarity in an open structure with customers, governments and construction companies as well as our knowledge of the specific problems and recognizing the specific interests of these parties make the organization a pivotal role in the construction process



#Shortlisted #Europe  #the Netherlands  #Productive complex  #Rotterdam  #The Plan Award  #Alsemgeest Design & Build 

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