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Zorlu Levent

Tabanlioglu Architects

Office  /  Completed
Tabanlioglu Architects
Building for the prestigious brand

Multistory high-rise office tower is located at the financial district of Istanbul housing several of the world’s top financial institutions and other service sector leaders.

Located on Buyukdere Street, the business district of Istanbul, where tall buildings rise, the complex consist of 170 meter major office tower with 41 office floors and garden-offices at the 2-4 floors low rise extension being the back wing at street level and below grade, relevant to the contours and backward sloping of the property.

The positioning of the masses naturally introduces 3 interior courts, especially by uplifting the low-rise section and due to the elevation difference of the land. The terraced slope is encircled by garden-offices which have visual access both to the street and the patios. The middle court directs and reaches the Kanyon (designed by Tabanlioglu Architects) open-air shopping facility.

The hi-rise is situated parallel to the main street so its footprint is a parallelogram, accordingly. The form of the tower with optimum perimeter; the structure gives a more fragile impression then one thick standard block and gains more rooms with a view that is supported by glass use on the façade where convenient, not having a massive surface. Indentations in geometric forms differentiate the 3 communal area separating 4 different office zones; there are meeting rooms, maintenance facilities and interior gardens at each notch born out of the intersection of the two blocks. Open air catwalks are reserved for office users for fresh air need.

Double deck elevator system applied to decrease travel time. A sky lounge and an executive office floor are planned at the top floors. The rooftop helipad will grant an alternative direct transport to the high-end commercial building at the CBD of the city.

Fritted glass applied at the office levels for sun control that also designates the office zones whereas sheer glass is used at the common areas. Each buffer zone is composed of 2 storeys and a mezzanine. Beside its transparency, the movement on the façade refers to interior functions that make the building genuine and legible from afar. Due to angled façades and forms the building gives distinct impressions at different perspectives.

Compartments of the low-rise, like the tail of the office block, comprise a zigzag shaped long main block and 3 smaller blocks connected to each other via bridges. Their irregular forms punctuate the vivid movement of the ground in horizontal term. The roof of these units is designed as green landscape areas where building users benefit during their breaks. The structural diversity reflects on the positioning of the social areas, like cafes and inner gardens, in the patios sheltered by the pendent console above them. Green zones at courtyards provide a warm, natural and authentic atmosphere at the lower levels and create a view for the high-rise above. Being the main entrance, the transparent entrance box is formed on Büyükdere Street, as the prolongation of the low-rise behind the tower.

Idea of designing the building in compartments, both at vertical and horizontal forms, is to have a flexible zoning program; the whole complex may be dedicated to only one brand, the different compartments in the block may be occupied by singular brands while common zones are shared, or even those zones may be preferred as garden offices with high-ceilings. Still, each floor may function separately for private companies. The same manner to be practiced in the groundscraper, as well.

A contribution to the developing architectural vocabulary of the Boulevard, ultimately the iconic skyscraper is a powerful yet modest statement of corporate power.


 Zorlu Property
 95000 sq. m
 Tabanlioglu Architects
 Melkan Gürsel & Murat Tabanlioglu, Salih Yılgörür, Süleyman Akkaş, Ahmet Çorapçıoğlu, Ali Çalışkan, Gökçe Nazan Gündüz, Derya Civelekoğlu, Cenk Tubaboylu, Cem Berdan, Ayşe Yalçın, Elif Akçakaya, Dila Dağalp, Canan Sarıdal, Salih Çıkman, İbrahim Bayram
 Emre Dörter


Tabanlıoğlu Architects is established in 1990 by Murat Tabanlıoğlu and his father Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, and Melkan Gürsel (AIA Int.) joined the group in 1995.

Istanbul-based architectural firm, with its long family tradition, started with Dr. Hayati Tabanlioğlu since 1950’s.

Spanning over six decades, the office demonstrates a professionalism based on rigor and know-how. Searching for new efficiencies in terms of global and environmental needs and developments, the practice is currently engaged in major assignments worldwide, having offices in Ankara, Dubai, Doha and London with 200 employees. Operating mainly in Turkey, MENA and CIS Countries, winner of international awards like RIBA International, Tabanlıoğlu works comprise wide range of building types.

Respecting resources and existing values, office aims high to benefit new technologies, envisioning needs of people of our era of novelties and rapid changes.

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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