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Babin+Renaud Architects

Housing  /  Completed
Babin+Renaud Architects
babin+renaud architectes

Winner of the Equerre d'Argent - Housing / Le Moniteur / 2015

37 rue de l'Orillon 75011 PARIS
MAP : 48°52'13.3"N 2°22'36.3"E


Standing at the tip of a triangle-shaped plot of land in Paris’ 11th arrondissement, this new building creates visual transparency in the space between street and inner courtyard by means of a rational design that liberates it from the site’s cramped nature. The corner is given expression by the step-like receding roof that slims down to a simple, strict line. The restraints imposed by the receding roof are enhanced by its telling rigor and simplicity. The pattern of the street-side façade expresses this rigor with the regular spacing of the tall, narrow picture windows, with variations obtained by alternating the opening or closing of the folding shutters and the sublte reflection of natural light on the anodized aluminum. Their narrownness enables the picture windows to be greater in number, especially on the street corner, while preserving the flats’ inner privacy.

The building has three flats per floor. All the principal rooms are located on the street side with their backs to a service strip located along the courtyard side. Turning the site’s narrowness to an advantage, the kitchens and bathrooms are placed on the courtyard-side wall thus enjoying natural light. In order to provide double exposure at the core of the collective living space, living rooms are located either in the corner space or in line with the kitchen.

The outdoor entrance and landings rise vertically, alternating open views from each landing onto the city or the inner courtyard. The goal has been to give occupants a gradual pathway from the public space of the street to the private space of the flats by means of a compact design that re-interprets the «city’s substance» that is missing here.

Complétant la pointe d'un îlot isocèle du 11ème arrondissement de Paris, le nouveau bâtiment organise une transparence visuelle entre l’espace public et la cour, au travers d'une organisation rationnelle qui s'affranchit de l'exiguïté de la parcelle.
L'expression de l'angle est obtenue par le retrait successif en toiture qui affine son profil jusqu'à l’abstraction formelle d’une simple ligne. La contrainte du recul imposé est ainsi mise en valeur par la rigueur et la simplicité de son expression.
Le motif de la façade décline cette rigueur par le rythme régulier des baies verticales. Des variations sont obtenues par l’alternance de la position des volets pliants et le subtil reflet de la lumière naturelle sur l’aluminium anodisé. Le profil étroit des baies permet de démultiplier celles-ci, notamment à l’angle de la rue, tout en préservant l'intimité intérieure des logements

Le projet comporte trois logements par niveaux. Toutes les pièces principales sont placées sur la rue et adossées à une bande de service placée le long de la cour. Profitant de l’étroitesse de la parcelle, les cuisines et les salles de bain sont ainsi placées en façade sur cour et profitent d’un éclairement naturel. Afin d’offrir une double orientation au c?ur même des espaces de vie collective des logements, les séjo


 1592 sq. m
 Eric BABIN + Jean-Francois RENAUD
 EVP Ingenierie, CFERM, MDETC
 Cécile SEPTET


Eric Babin and Jean-François Renaud are calmly following a singular pathway, delivering rigorous and engaged products freed from the tyranny of fashion. They founded their agency nearly twenty years ago after winning a European-wide competition, since then they have developed an architectural style that is as grounded in context as it is abstract and theoretical. Holding dear to the concept that a building should occupy a proper place in its setting and perfecting new architectural types derived from analyzing each program, Babin + Renaud carry out projects of scale with highly varied remits, e.g. housing, of course, in complex social fabrics on symbolically significant sites such as Paris’ Les Batignolles, Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen. They also tackle mixed projects, office buildings or extensive public facilities like the cultural center Les Quinconces that the agency has just delivered in Le Mans. Éric Babin and Jean-François Renaud are also teaching in Paris' Belleville University.



#Mentioned #Europe  #France  #Aluminum  #Residential Building - Complex  #Aluminum Cladding  #Paris  #Babin+Renaud Architects  #Cécile Septet  #The Plan Award 

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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