Preconnect® by Wood Beton
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Preconnect® by Wood Beton

Preconnect® by Wood Beton
By Editorial Staff -
It consists of:
1. visible lower joists in solid wood or glue laminated timber, that can be arranged at a variable distance;
2. upper beams solid wood or glue laminated timber (variable size);
3. visible interposed connecting floorboards disconnected above the joists so as to allow connection between the upper beam and the lower joist through an innovative steel dowel system;
4. insulating layer, laid above the lower floorboards, at the extrados of which can be placed a breathable fabric to correct thermohygrometric balance of the structure, above the insulation it remains an empty space to ventilate the roof package;
5. a second layer of rough floorboards anchored to the beams;
6. layer of bituminous membrane with the dual purpose of allowing the building of the finished product and ensuring the preservation of the product during transport.
The type of connection between the lower joist and the upper beam allows you to obtain a resistant section with excellent static performance. This allows you to create structures with long free span whilst maintaining the usual joist size. Preconnect® also offers two major advantages: firstly, a compression strain is applied to the lower edge of the joist that gives the load bearing rafters increased resistance and rigidity for vertical loads, and secondly unpleasant downward warping, typical of inflexible wooden elements, is also eliminated.
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