The Lahofer Winery: an amphitheater set among the vineyards of Czechia
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The Lahofer Winery: an amphitheater set among the vineyards of Czechia


The Lahofer Winery: an amphitheater set among the vineyards of Czechia
By Editorial Staff -

Set in the Czech countryside, Lahofer is a new winery designed by the team at CHYBIK + KRISTOF.

The contemporary design of the Lahofer Winery reflects the region’s long winemaking tradition by focusing on its most characteristic aspects. Surrounded by vineyards, the winery brings together three fundamental aspects of the wine business: the winemaking facilities, the company’s offices, and the visitor center with adjoining tasting room. The desire to create a relationship with the surrounding landscape can be seen throughout the project, which incorporates many of the architectural features of the local wine cellars, with their arched ceilings and colonnades.

CHYBIK + KRISTOF’s design is, in fact, distinguished by its wave-shaped roof that acts as an amphitheater for cultural events based around both the winery and local history. The roof is, therefore, walkable and, like a giant staircase, sweeps upwards from the ground. With their exposed arches, the interiors also reflect the typical local architecture. Each reinforced concrete arch is individually designed for the specific situation of the ceiling, while the spacing between them echoes the spaced rows of the surrounding vineyards.

The visitor areas are located to the south, where a huge window floods the wine tasting area with daylight. A large mural by contemporary Czech artist Patrik Hábl covers the ceiling. Its irregular shades, from dark red to beige, echo the changing colors of the Czech countryside.

Describing the concept, founding architects Ondřej Chybík and Michal Krištof explain, “The design of the Lahofer Winery is deeply rooted in nature, and in the respect thereof. At a time when culture and nature appear to be antagonistic forces, we envision a space reflective of the longstanding symbiosis between the two in the region – one that profoundly respects the environment on which it rests. The structure unfolds into the native terrain, immerses itself into the surrounding vine rows, thereby preserving the essence and integrity of both soil and culture. Additionally, moving beyond a purely productive viewpoint, we prioritize the visitor experience, notably by allocating the roof as a public space open to local and international visitors – an experience essential to the understanding and appreciation of the wine.”


Location: czech republic
Photography by alexshootbuildings, Laurian Ghinitoiu and Pavel Bartak.
Courtesy of CHYBIK + KRISTOF Architects & Urban Designers

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