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The Blue Planet


3XN: The Blue Planet
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Inspired by the shape of water in endless motion, Denmark’s new national aquarium, The Blue Planet, is shaped as a great whirlpool, and the building itself tells the story of what awaits inside. The Blue Planet is located on an elevated headland towards the sea, north of Kastrup Harbor. The building's distinctive shape is clearly visible for travelers arriving by plane to the nearby Copenhagen Airport. The facade is covered with more than 33,000 small diamond-shaped aluminum shingles, which adapts to the building's organic form. The selection of the aluminum cladding for the envelope was made after many considerations, such as the narrative of the design concept, the location exposed to the sea and the opportunity to use the building’s fifth façade in relation to the nearby airport. The matte finish of the aluminum shingles serves the double function of being robust while offering a varied and sophisticated visual expression of the curved building massing. The reflection of light, weather conditions and the differentiated patina of the individual aluminum shingles brings the architectural design to life. The whirlpool concept was chosen not only for its visual associations, but also because it resolved a practical challenge in the design brief: it ensures that one or more of the whirlpool arms, with relative ease and without disrupting the building’s integrity nor the operation of the aquarium, can be extended with more than 30 % in order to create more exhibition space. The complex steel frame that serves as a structural base for the curved light façade-/roof build-up and cladding has been designed by combining the most recent technological design tools and highlights the benefits of parametric modelling. Employing BIM applications allowed us to keep the construction as simple as possible, using standard components and ensuring a high degree of flexibility for logistics and progress on site. As the aquarium is salt water based, measures against corrosion have been applied to all elements of the construction including the steel frame and concrete elements. Visitors reach the entrance by following the first and longest of the whirlpool’s arms, already starting in the landscape. With a smooth transition the landscape leads into the building, while the outdoor ponds mark the unique experience that awaits the aquarium visitors as they enter: the whirlpool has pulled them into another world - a world beneath the surface of the sea. A circular foyer is the center of motion around the aquarium, and it is here visitors choose which river, lake or ocean to explore. By enabling multiple routes, the risk of queues in front of individual aquariums is reduced. The interiors range from grand to intimate settings, allowing the architecture and the exhibits to jointly convey an array of diverse environments and moods. The curved ceilings of the aquarium are reminiscent of the baleens of a large whale. The exhibition is a total concept offering all visitors a sensuous and captivating experience of life in and under the water. A mixture of light, sound, advanced AV-technology, projections, film, interactivity, graphics, illustrations and signs aimed at all age levels ensures that every visitor, regardless of background or interests, has the best experience possible. As the only aquarium in Denmark, The Blue Planet focuses on all aquatic life – from cold and warm waters, fresh and salt. In total, The Blue Planet contains app. 7 million liters of water and 53 aquariums and displays. The restaurant's decor is based on the colors and expressions that characterize Nordic nature. The restaurant faces south-east, and thus offers a panoramic view of the sea. The outdoors facilities include a terrace with seating, a pond with carps and a tank with sea otters. The building extends beyond the original coastline, placing special requirements on the facility's structures in a terrain with tendency to subsidence. The structure is founded on piles and all of the sewage structures are suspended in the concrete structure. The building's architectural facade design forms the basis for the design of the steel structures. The load-bearing system consists of 54 unique steel frames, which via their radial positioning and geometry forms the base of the curved facades.

3XN was founded in 1986 and became known for creating buildings of substance with compelling aesthetics supported by a strong theoretical foundation. Through daring concepts and design, we create architecture that contributes positively to learning and working environments. We see a project’s complexity and challenges as positive creative forces, inspiring us to create something unique for the site and purpose. Believing that architecture shapes behavior, we try to create places where people can interact and communicate. We believe that buildings, like people, are more than just the sum of their parts. We believe that it is possible to achieve a synthesis of design, function and context. That is why a holistic approach is our guiding principle, and why we are forever exploring the possibilities of building better, cleverer, more beautifully. We build on the Scandinavian tradition of clear functionality and simple beauty. Each new project rests on the shoulders of our previous work, even though we always challenge conventions. We see each new project as an opportunity for research that enhances our experience and sharpens our approach.

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