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The Art and Passion of Wood Construction

The Art and Passion of Wood Construction
By Editorial Staff -
Zitturi has participated in the project

Zitturi is a well-established craft joinery and furniture firm located in the delightful setting of the Ahrntal valley, in the northern Italian region of South Tyrol. This stunning location has long been the starting point for creating designs and furniture for homes, businesses and the hospitality industry that combine the dominant use of wood with other lovely materials such as iron, glass and natural stone. The company’s artisan roots provide invaluable experience that it mergers with its technical expertise and interpretative know-how to become a reliable, proactive partner for architects and designers, playing a fundamental role in helping them bring even their most complex ideas to life by suggesting feasible solutions.

Zitturi’s process starts with the drawings or designs from an architect or designer, using these to understand both the creative requirements and the technical and structural demands.

This knowledge is then molded into a proposal that includes recommendations for the most suitable materials for the creation.

This naturally requires Zitturi to assist designers with the structural drawings, before actually creating the object with great attention to detail and phenomenal precision.

The company then leverages its extensive logistics network and contacts to guarantee deliveries on time, with precise on-site installation and assembly that meets any deadlines or specific agreements with a client. In essence, the whole process is about ensuring the utmost reliability for all work, regardless of the scale or location (Italy or abroad). This combination of technical skill and artistic creativity is much appreciated by a growing list of designers and architects who have turned to the company to create interior and exterior projects in historical, traditional and contemporary settings and styles. The common thread is always a true passion for wood, design and architecture brought to life in quality work.


Gisse 55 - I - 39030 S. Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ)
Tel. +39 0474 671417
​E-mail: [email protected] www.zitturi.com

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