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Square - Brussels

Square - Brussels
By Editorial Staff -
AGC Flat Glass has participated in the project
The Square - Brussels Meeting Centre, to plans by the architect firm of A2RC, is a renovation-cum-extension of the previous Conference Building. Inside the new 55,000 m2 structure, designed to cater for all kinds of event from international conferences to gala dinners, product launches and fashion parades, there are three auditoriums containing up to 500 people, many multi-purpose rooms and offices, as well as the majestic Grand Hall with its 4,000 m2/1200 seat capacity. Situated in the historical centre, the building stands as a new icon for the city. It is distinguished by the giant 13m-sided glass cube from which it takes its name. This forms the entranceway somewhat like the Louvre with its pyramid and the Apple Centre on 5th Avenue New York. Access to the cube is from an underground square; its walls are formed of a double skin of extraclear AGC Planibel Clearvision glass coated on the outside with the low-emission protection Top N+. Glass is also used for the inside, lining the walls of the route into the auditoriums. The corridors outside pick up the colours denoting the rooms on the inside. The lacquered glass wall leading to Silver Hall is in Lacobel Rich Aluminium, while a wall of Lacobel Rich Copper leads to the Copper Hall.
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