Showroom Eiffelgres
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Showroom Eiffelgres

Showroom Eiffelgres
By Editorial Staff -
Eiffelgres has participated in the project
The new Eiffelgres showroom covers 260m2 of the GranitiFiandre group’s premises in Fiorano Modenese. Mauro Bellei, the project designer, has managed to foreground the collections by using four partition walls clad on both sides with variously-sized porcelain stoneware tiles. Drawing inspiration from a classic art gallery layout, the side walls are carefully lit to display various panels and possible colour combinations for tiles made with Eiffelgres materials. The entire Eiffelgres catalogue is on display on the side facing the entrance and the incline of the display area recalls a lectern covered in 10x60cm tiles. In the entrance area, you can see the panelling and floor done in Pillart, the most recent collection, inspired by a type of slate from Norway called Pillarguri. The floor pattern is really alluring as the skilful placement of the tiles decorated using water-jet cutting creates a contrast between the two tones - Positive and Negative - and the two finishes - Natural and Aspera. The overall effect is of stripes converging on the centre, gently playing with perspectives.

I - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO)
Via Ghiarola Nuova, 119
Tel. +39 0536 86211
Fax +39 0536 862473
E-mail: [email protected]

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