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Sensor City

Transparency and Dynamic Interweaving

IBI Group

Sensor City
By Editorial Staff -
EASTMAN has participated in the project

Located in a unique building that has become the visual focal point of the area, Sensor City is a collaboration between the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. The center is dedicated to the study and development of technological sensors, and the layout of the space is designed to encourage collaboration between academia and industry. It was precisely this commitment to scientific and technological progress promoted by the two universities that the architects at IBI Group sought to translate into architectural language.

To give the building’s exterior a unique, dynamic look, the southeast façades were given a second skin of laminated glass, designed by artist Julian Stocks, whose abstract shapes evoke the interweaving of technological sensors. 300 individual panels cover the two elevations of Sensor City, each with a different decorative motif. The creation of these panels required the combined use of solutions from Saflex and Vanceva, both brands of Eastman Chemical Company.

Sensor City © Julian Stocks, courtesy Eastman

Saflex® Structural PVB interlayers for laminated glass were chosen for their excellent structural performance, which makes it possible to use them in various applications, ensuring structural stability and safety. These were combined with Vanceva® Color PVB layers in Golden Light and Coral Rose, deliberately chosen by the architects to give the design the distinctive color of a sensor. The combination of Vanceva®’s two color layers, which are contained within two layers with an ivory and black screen-printed pattern, offers ever-changing views, depending on the amount of light and the viewing angle.

No matter from which side you approach the building, the skillful interweaving of art and technology achieved by Eastman’s two brands – with key roles also played by Novum Structures UK and Ariño Duglass, companies specializing in façade engineering and glass lamination, respectively – truly embellishes this unique structure.

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