Nosio Winery
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Nosio Winery

Nosio Winery
By Editorial Staff -
The Nosio winery at Mezzodorona, designed by Margoni Associati, forms part of the “Citadel of Wine” complex, the management and production centre of Gruppo Mezzocorona which unites wine and agricultural foodstuff producers across the Italian peninsula. The building is on two floors and a basement. The main section on the ground floor extends for over 2,000 sq m and houses the bottling line, cellar, forwarding department and staff areas. Below ground are warehouses that stock the finished product and packaging materials, while the first floor is one big room for hot water tanks linked to the solar panels on the roof. The various parts of the building differ in shape according to the purpose they serve and the architects’ aim to provide indoor comfort and wellbeing with minimal need of artificial cooling. Inside the bottling room, for example, natural ventilation in summer is provided by a cool draught from the north-facing glass façade which is then expelled onto the roof. Again, the way the roof pitches are oriented maximises solar efficiency. Energy saving is also effected by thick insulation on walls and roof, together with ventilated forms of cladding. The cladding materials chosen for the outside and installed by Tecnolattonerie Rossi combine high-tech performance, ease of maintenance and colourful good looks. One way in which the architecture is differentiated is in the lining of the various surfaces. For the lower portion of the building Parklex wood panels were used; these are made of resin-treated heat-hardening craft paper laid in two different formats: large-size units line the smaller parts of the building, picking out the shape and profile, while the walls delimiting the bottling line are adorned with slats emphasising the horizontal form, with a frame of Rheinzink titanium zinc cladding. There is a particularly successful juxtaposition of honey-coloured wood and anthracite-finish titanium zinc. The two materials set each other off and also match the third cladding material, stone, on the outer surface of the building’s upper stages.

Zalain Auzoa, 13
S - 31780 Vera de Bidasoa, Navarra
Tel. +34 948 625 045
Fax +34 948 625 015
E-mail: [email protected]

Per l’Italia:
Kalikos International
Corso Palladio, 165
I - 36100 Vicenza
Tel. +39 0444. 32 77 22
Fax +39 0444. 32 77 24
E-mail: [email protected]
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