On the site where another building once stood, this innovative structure is a clear, identifiable architectural marker in this urban landscape. The instantly recognisable and dynamic design of this shop enables it to fit in with the surrounding buildings, the nearby vineyard-covered countryside, a typical feature of this area, and the Alps. The building also marks the entrance to town, located on a corner on the main road. The project very deliberately drew on this advantageous location in the choice of volumes and features, and then sought an intrinsic architectural approach to optimise visibility. On a more practical level, the structure ensures the shop stands out and has become a quality architectural feature that sets a benchmark for the local urban area. The building combines two volumes, including a tapering five-storey high section that is not only highly evident but also filled with figurative suggestion. Externally, these two sections are continuous, while inside they form a large open shopping area across the two lower levels. The shape, finishings and colours help highlight the edifice. The layout creates numerous points and edges that give the building a powerful image, with the outer walls often formed to create a series of variously-shaped corners and angles that divide the structure into numerous sides. The focal point is on the south-east, where the walls come together to form an acute angle accentuated by a slight outwards inclination, leaning towards the town. Here, the reinforced concrete structure opens into a large, asymmetrical corner window that helps lessen the material nature of the volume. From the outside, one can glimpse the displays of the sports equipment on sale or see the reflections of the mountainous landscape in the glazing, while inside, this window almost becomes a viewpoint for gazing at the Alps. Continuity was central to the choice of external cladding. The reinforced concrete structure is clad with double layers of wire mesh panels in various sizes and shapes. The resultant combination of materials and patterns produces quite striking effects in daylight.
Francesco Pagliari
Luogo: Mezzolombardo, Trento
Committente: Nardelli Sport
Anno di Realizzazione: 2012
Superficie costruita: 1.350 m2
Architetti: weber+winterle architetti
Direzione Lavori: weber+winterle architetti
Impresa di Costruzione: Libardoni Costruzioni
Strutture: Sapi - Adriano Bernardi
Impianto Elettrico e Termoidraulico: Unitecgroup - Oscar Nichelatti
Sicurezza: Fabrizio Tanel
Facciate: Stahlbau Pichler
Fotografie: © Günter Richard Wett
weber + winterle architetti
Fondato nel 1998 dagli architetti Lorenzo Weber e Alberto Winterle, con la collaborazione dal 2004 di Luca Donazzolo, lo studio affronta le molteplici tematiche della progettazione architettonica ed urbanistica con un percorso professionale che attraversa le diverse scale della progettazione: dall’aspetto materico degli allestimenti museali e dell’interior design alle esplorazioni progettuali sulla città contemporanea. All’attività progettuale si affianca una ricerca che si concentra sui fenomeni dell’uso contemporaneo del territorio e sull’introduzione di elementi dell’architettura contemporanea nei contesti territoriali “fragili”.