Music Hall
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Music Hall

Music Hall
By Editorial Staff -
Interpane has participated in the project
The new Helsinki Music Hall rising near the city centre will open to the public in summer 2011. Designed by LPR Architects, the new building is enclosed in a fully glass-fronted foyer. To achieve the thermal performance needed at such a northerly latitude, the architects and façade specialist Normek Oy opted for Interpane triple-pane insulating glass. The 3,600 sq m of iplus neutral E glass that went into this will protect the hall from the cold, while the west, south and east elevations are lined in ipasol neutral (70/39) to protect from glare and overheating during the short Finnish summer.
The extensive façade glazing is point fixed to the inside structure by steel tie-beams; it is also stabilized by large laminated safety glass ‘fins’ formed of two panes of toughened glass 15 mm thick, 60 cm wide and up to 6 m tall using low-iron clear glass and laminated with a PVB film.
Thanks to this use of duly insulated clear glass, the hall inside enjoys a fine view out of doors, as well as excellent thermal insulation and sun control. In the building envelope the solar factor ranges from 34% to 52%, while the thermal insulation amounts to 0.7 W/m2K at nearly all points of the façade. Lastly, the triple glazing effectively absorbs traffic noise from adjacent streets.

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D - 37697 Lauenförde
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