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Mohr Carpentry Workshop

Andreas Mohr

Mohr Carpentry Workshop
By Editorial Staff -
Pollmeier Massivholz has participated in the project

This carpentry workshop on the outskirts of Andelsbuch, a mountain village in the Bregenzerwald area, has been extended with the addition of two sections - a work area and an exhibition space. The new building is next to the existing workshop, but slightly offset to create an entrance and storage area.
The double-pitched roof is supported, on the short sides, by glazed walls, while the other elevations are clad with rough wooden shingles, drawing on local architectural traditions. The building’s wooden structure was created using BauBuche GL70 laminated veneer lumber, arranged in pairs. BauBuche beams are smaller than standard glulam ones, thus increasing the height of the ground floor ceiling, for the workshop, and allowing the creation of incredibly precise double trusses on the upper floor, especially for the sharp corners. The result is beauty with a light frame. Pine wood panels clad the showroom walls, merging harmoniously with the BauBuche components. The spaces between the pairs of beams are glazed, allowing in natural light while also characterising the volume and creating a stunning effect at dusk, when the artificial light filters out of the windows along the building.


Pollmeier Massivholz
Pferdsdorfer Weg 6 - D - 99831 Creuzburg
Tel. +49 (0)36926 945-0 - Fax +49 (0)36926 945-100
E-mal: [email protected] - www.pollmeier.com

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