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Maestro the many styles of outdoor

Maestro the many styles of outdoor
By Editorial Staff -
Corradi has participated in the project

Maestro by Corradi concentrates the very best of Pergotenda® - official patent by Corradi - and bioclimatic pergola shading to provide original outdoor solutions for the private and contract sectors. Maestro was conceived as a freestanding square or rectangular aluminum frame, but wall-mounted also exists. The roof is a folding canvas or adjustable louvers, with both options using a concealed operating mechanism. The canvas can be taut with spacers or looser, using alternate trapezoidal shapes. Alternatively, calendered tubes can be used, creating a more rounded shape that is especially effective in dealing with rainwater runoff. In the louver option, the blades rotate up to 140° to vary the amount of light, ventilation or shade. The modules can be up to 700x700 cm, with a single canvas, 3 runners and no intermediate pillar or 470x620.5 cm in the louver version. The light, crisp design creates the option of covering larger areas using multiple modules, without doubling up on the pillars. The Maestro frame has a 25 cm high front beam, with a 12 cm high integrated gutter; in the louver version, this gutter is flush, making it largely invisible. The pillars double as downspouts in both versions. To get the most out of Maestro in winter or at night, the pergolas can come with closed sides and LED lighting integrated into the windbreaker profiles (canvas version) or louvers. Lights can also be attached directly to the supporting frame. Maestro comes in all Corradi’s standard colors and finishes plus a few special options. Rock, for example, has different colored louvers, frame and internal band; Jazz, for the canvas version, has chrome-finish gutters.

Via G. Brini, 39 - I - 40128 Bologna
Tel. +39 051 4188411 - Fax +39 051 4188400
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