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Il Parco dei Gelsi

New Sustainable Living

Edoardo Milesi & Archos

Il Parco dei Gelsi
By Editorial Staff -
LignoAlp has participated in the project

Parco dei Gelsi is a new multi-story residential complex built by LignoAlp using a design by the architectural practice Edoardo Milesi & Archos. This four-building complex with a total of nine apartments required a new design approach to ensure it achieved the top Italian energy efficiency rating (class A4), using bio architecture principles and a cutting-edge, sustainable building system.

With such a target in mind, the choice of LignoAlp was no accident.

The company, located in the far north of Italy, near Austria, has been in the wood industry for over nine decades and its mission is to provide living comfort with maximum sustainability, adopting solutions that match the client’s style and the designer’s creativity. Throughout its long history, the company has always striven to improve its expertise and develop new technologies and building systems able to cater for ever changing projects and design types. In such a paradigm, Parco dei Gelsi is an emblematic project for LignoAlp.

The know-how behind its successful completion included statistical calculations, building physics, selecting the most suitable construction system, translating the architectural design into the working drawings, determining the data for the CNC machine processes, manufacturing the prefabricated sections at the company’s plants in Nova Ponente and Bressanone, and finally assembling everything on-site with expert staff to ensure the highest standards.

To make matters that bit more complex, the site sits on a steep slope, making a concrete foundation that cuts into the hill essential to provide space for the utilities rooms and a solid basis for the wood structure above. The chosen building solution was to use a frame, with the external walls made of wood panels and natural wood fiber insulation.

For the external claddings, a combination of larch slats, zinc-titanium coating and plaster was selected. The internal walls also use a rigid frame structure, with the floors and roof having a joist structure with visible purlins.

Each solution adopted by LignoAlp was carefully studied and selected to ensure it resolved any technical or construction issues that might arise.

The company was also involved right throughout the project, initially working with the Archos practice and then playing an active role during installation. Such “dedicated” consultancy services are essential because of the specific nature of the construction work done by LignoAlp, with each building custom designed and using ideal solutions to provide the desired style and functional requirements at the highest quality.


​Via Julius Durst, 68 - I - 39042 Bressanone (BZ)
Tel +39 0472 975790
E-mail: [email protected] - www.lignoalp.com

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