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GroupM Offices

GroupM Offices
By Editorial Staff -
Omnitex has participated in the project
The media group GroupM recently inaugurated their offices at Milanofiori inside the U15 building designed by Cino Zucchi. Interior design was entrusted to 967 Architetti Associati. The building plan lent itself to an open space layout which increases the usable surface and makes it more flexible to reconfigure. Closed offices were housed along the straight-sided portions of the building while the rounded parts proved suitable for open plan and recreation spaces. Only where the building wings aligned was there the right depth for meetings rooms, break corners and photocopy bays. The lighting project figured prominently, the brief being to differentiate the amount of direct and indirect light throughout the day. Omnitex here liaised with the architects in devising the solar protection, the nature of which they decided to vary according to the work area involved. Throughout the premises they chose manual chain-operated roll blinds in Verosol EnviroScreen fabric which provide the right protection in terms of warmth and visual comfort. For the enclosed offices, meeting rooms and open plan areas the choice fell on Verosol EnviroScreen 802 which ensures proper user comfort and meets the appropriate standards. Areas less exposed to sunlight made use of Verosol EnviroScreen 810, a fabric that shields less from outside and thus makes fuller use of direct natural light.

Via Francesco Ferrucci, 6
I - 20145 Milano
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