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Three solutions one UNIQUE showroom

Iosa Ghini Associati

By Editorial Staff -
Fiandre Architectural Surfaces has participated in the project

The FAB Fiandre Architectural Bureau showroom in Castellarano was redone using a design by Iosa Ghini Associati architecture practice. The display approach was overhauled to ensure any visitor felt welcomed and drawn into the history and development of the Fiandre Architectural Surfaces brand and product ranges. The underlying goal, developed by the practice across three areas, two indoors and one outdoors, was to create a showroom that provides architects and clients with inspiration and support.

The indoor space was split into a zone doubling as a hospitality space and a zone inspired by boutique hotel environments. In the former zone, Maximum large slabs are given pride of place in a lounge area centered on a kitchen/bar clad, clearly, in Maximum 6 mm
and 12 mm Sapienstone slabs. The edge of this room has other surfaces clad in large-scale tiles and slabs that cover doors, counters and openings to provide suggestions as to how these versatile options could even be used as furnishing solutions. Fiandre slabs have proven successful in both the Horeca and home industries, where substantial customization is essential, because of their cross-cutting appeal.

The second half of the showroom is dedicated to providing clients with potential applications of these slabs, favoring the traditional sizes. In the showroom, one can also see a hotel suite, a study, a bathroom and even a wellness area and spa - once again to provide suggestions for some key environments in the hotel and luxury residential sectors. An added bonus of the showroom is the possibility to actually touch and test combinations, feeling the texture of each tile. Outside, the final part of the showroom is an old parking lot that has been turned into 5,200 sq. m
of display space for outdoor and hospitality solutions. A raised central section, with Granitech flooring, shows off a range of urban furnishing elements and the external ventilated walls treated with Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic self-cleaning technology.

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