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Civic Cultural Centre Civic Library

Civic Cultural Centre Civic Library
By Editorial Staff -
Mapei has participated in the project
The Civic Cultural Centre cum Library at Lovere is a new facility created by adapting the central portion of the building that dominates the main square of this tourist harbour on Lake Iseo. The object of the exercise was to give the townsfolk a pleasant spot to read in, meet in and hold theatrical events. The large welcoming space created, somewhat like an indoor arena, gives the visitor a hint of community belonging in an urban setting. The main doors on the ground floor open onto the lakeside. A large open space contains an information point, catalogue consultation facilities, internet stations and one for those with sight problems. At the side there is a children’s area, the Marinoni Archive, an office and bathroom facilities. On the floor above one space overlooking the ground floor is for listening to music or audio cassettes; there is also a reading room and two laboratories. Gaetano Pesce designed the furnishings for the whole project, playing on combinations of colours and materials. The Atelier Mendini provided the floors in a kind of coloured geometric inlay using Nora Pavimenti rubber. They run in a pleasing original way throughout the premises. To match the high quality materials, the floors were laid using the latest Mapei products. Before spreading the rubber sheeting, the support was smoothed with Ultraplan Eco, a product designed for surfaces that have to stand up to loads and constant to-ing and fro-ing, provided they are not exposed to damp. The rubber flooring was then laid on the supporting surface using Ultrabond Eco V4SP, adhesive designed for maximum floor resilience.

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