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Bestseller Logistics Center North

C.F. Møller Architects

Bestseller Logistics Center North
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Bestseller Logistics Center North - The idea was to create an industrial building that would go far beyond typical standardised solutions for logistic facilities. The complex, including the tall mini-load stores, is formed as solid, sculptural structures, clad with wooden slats and transparent foils allowing glimpses of the cranes at work. Emphasis has been on good workplace design, sustainability and health & safety – and not least creating a piece of architecture worthy of the client’s company ethics.
The building is optimally located, directly at a motorway exit, in a geographical location balancing the traffic distances for in- and outbound goods. It has been designed on a 65 ha greenfield site with visibility from the motorway, which has been an important aspect in the ambitious design and landscape design brief from the client. The site is designed as a natural area within an inner landscape circle, with 10 ha oak wood planting, wetlands (including a 5 ha lake) and meadows creating a rich biodiversity, with a focus on upholding and recreating the ecological values of the original site. The site layout is future-proofed using a "Plug-n-play" principle, allowing the extension of the buildings capacity (up to 150,000 m2) within the same logistical layout and landscape design. Using the holistic BREEAM as guideline, the centre sets new standards for low-energy industrial construction in Denmark: Highly insulated envelope, passive solar design (north-oriented office sections, large shading overhangs, green courtyard etc.), FSC-certified pine slats cladding, use of renewable energy with biofuel + solar on-site energy supply, integrated landscaped rainwater management, large-scale green roofs, use of daylight, controlled electrical light, translucent lightweight ETFE-foil facades, and specially developed state-of-the-art low-energy machine equipment (reducing consumption by 75% compared with standard sorting plants) are unique features.
Truck traffic flows are managed to reduce emissions and congestions. Safe, pleasant and healthy workplace design has been key: everywhere in the building, good daylight and closeness to the landscape and views is consequently provided for all employees (regardless of occupation, including truck drivers) via courtyards, skylights, panoramic openings, roof terraces and common facilities (canteen, lounge etc.) of high standards.
Although the centre is large and efficient as an airport, it has been designed with an architectural sensitivity that is able to lend the advanced technical equipment a human expression: By combining raw technology with good materials, plenty of daylight and a strong social focus, it goes far beyond mere functionality. It also has a strong, sculptural presence and is designed in harmony with the landscape, which arguably is very rare for this type of building. Altogether, it aims to set new standards for a green development of the industrial sector - making it a continuation of the very best in the modern Scandinavian tradition.

C.F. Møller Architects is one of Scandinavia’s leading architectural firms; with 90 years of award winning work in the Nordics and worldwide.
Simplicity, clarity and unpretentiousness, the ideals that have guided our work since the practice was established in 1924, are continually re-interpreted to suit individual projects, always site-specific and combined with sustainable, innovative and socially responsible design solutions. Over the years, we have won a large number of national and international competitions and major architectural awards.
With our integrated design approach which seamlessly blends urban design, landscape, building design and building component design, C.F. Møller has received much acclaim for international projects of reference like the unique University Campus in Aarhus, the National Gallery in Copenhagen, the Darwin Centre at the Museum of Natural History in London, the Akershus University Hospital in Oslo, the 2012 Olympics’ Athletes Village in London and many others. 

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